I absolutely love this game and have played it relentlessly for some time now. I can't help but want a couple new teams and I don't see anything official coming this way in the foreseeable future so I really would like to create a couple new teams. The Lizardmen and Ogres are probably the two i'd ant to create the most but I also like the conference themeing so would not be opposed to creating a new conference with the Lizardmen, High elves and Amazons(as an example) I just don't know how to do any of this on my own and so would really appreciate any help anyone here might be able to provide. Thanks!
Anyone interested in helping to make custom teams?
Good place to start is BoardGameGeek, you'll probably find some custom teams and templates in the files section of the BBl:TM entry already - https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/90137/blood-bowl-team-manager-card-game/files
Im quite curious as to why they have Vampires and Undead as separate teams where in tabletop they were merged. Be interesting to see somebodies take on a merged undead/vampire lot
Im quite curious as to why they have Vampires and Undead as separate teams where in tabletop they were merged. Be interesting to see somebodies take on a merged undead/vampire lot
Nah, there are both Vampire and Undead teams. There's also Necromantic.
Nah, there are both Vampire and Undead teams. There's also Necromantic.Im quite curious as to why they have Vampires and Undead as separate teams where in tabletop they were merged. Be interesting to see somebodies take on a merged undead/vampire lot
It may be Necromantic im thinking of. I just know i own a bloodbowl team that has mostly undead plus a vampire or two (possibly star players)
Yo Bol14, I would love to work on some new Teams, in fact I have done like over 10? Please get in touch with me, at my Discord, Calixtus#9953!