Gozanti Vs Transport - 300 points

By MortalPlague, in X-Wing Battle Reports

Neither my Gozanti Cruiser nor my buddy's Rebel Transport had ever hit the table before, so we decided to play an epic game. We each built a 300 point list. Here's a rough breakdown of the two lists:

Rebel Aces:

Rebel Transport (with slicer tools, Torryn Far, Quantam Storm title, backup shield generator, automated protocols, and a few other things)

Miranda Doni (with TLT, C3P0 and cluster mines)

Poe Dameron (with PTL and R2-D2)

Horton Salm (stressbot warthog)

Wes Janson (with VI and BB-8)

Keyan Farlander (opportunist, tactician, sensor jammer nastiness)

Eaden Vrill (with Luke Skywalker as a gunner)

Imperial Legions:

Gozanti Cruiser (with Suppressor title, Grand Moff Tarkin, dual laser cannon, automated protocols, backup shield generator, engineering team, docking clamps, and shield technician)

Docked were a PS8 Mauler Mithel and Howlrunner, each with stealth device, along with a naked Wampa

Soontir Fel (PTL, Authothrusters)

3 Crack Shot TIEs

2 TIE /D PS1 Defenders (with ion cannons)

Captain Jonus (TIE Shuttle with systems officer and fleet officer)


We deployed along the board edges. The huge ships were roughly facing one another, while two separate battles unfolded on either side. Soontir and the crack shot TIEs were staring down at Miranda, Wes, and Poe; not a good matchup for the Empire. On the other side, the defenders and Jonus looked to be squaring off against Horton, Keyan, and Eaden. On one of the early turns, I deployed Wampa to try and help out the crack shot TIEs. After a few turns moving up, lasers began to fly.


As combat looked likely, I deployed Mauler Mithel and Howlrunner out of the Gozanti. Mithel, unfortunately, went through the debris and took stress, but Howlrunner did not.

A quick salvo of fire wiped out the crack shot TIE with a prime shot on Poe before he had a chance to fire. The TIEs and Fel did very little damage in return. On the other front, one of the defenders managed to ionize Keyan Farlander. Mauler Mithel put some damage in on Eaden Vrill, but Howlrunner took a crit to reduce her weapon power (and knock out her stealth device).


The battle went badly for the Empire where Poe, Miranda and Wes were fighting. The crack shot TIEs veered off to try and put damage on the rebel transport, while Soontir Fel tried to put some damage on Miranda. Soontir succeeded at that, but was, the next turn, destroyed by Wes. Wampa wound up being run over by the transport, and only two crack shot TIEs remained, each having spent their EPT. On the other side, Mauler Mithel was blown up by Eaden Vrill, but the defenders managed to kill Keyan Farlander. Not, however, before he destroyed Jonus' TIE shuttle. Eaden Vrill was ioned, damaged, and rock-bound, but Horton Salm was still healthy and ready to put some hurt on the Gozanti.


Poe came around towards the Gozanti. So did Miranda and Wes. And Horton. Things were looking grim for the Empire; the two defenders had to turn to chase Horton, and one became double-stressed from his dropped thermal detonator. One crack-shot TIE had to K-turn, while the other wound up destroyed by the slicer tools on the rebel transport, which had also destroyed Howlrunner. Eaden Vrill was over the rock and still turning around, which would take several turns. And as Miranda slipped down around the back of the Gozanti, she found herself attacked by the ion defender.


You can see Eaden Vrill, heroically turning around to return to the fight... eventually. With two hull, he could be forgiven for being reluctant. Both Miranda and Wes had clipped a rock, which opened the window for the defenders to try and wrest back control of the field.

While one defender harried Miranda, then Eaden Vrill (all while double-stressed), the other chased down Poe, ioned him onto a rock, and blew him up. Miranda rolled an unlikely evade (with a guess of 'one' on C3P0), and kept on hanging on. The double-stressed defender met his end at the hands of Eaden Vrill, just before he had a chance to finish off the YT-2400. But Horton was losing hull quickly, and Miranda was on fumes. And the other defender landed an ion on Wes, keeping him out of the fight for another turn. The Gozanti would finish him off the very next turn, knowing that Wes was too dangerous to keep around.

No longer harassed by a defender, Miranda fixed her weapon malfunction crit. The growing concern for the rebels was that they might not have the damage to cut through the Gozanti's protection. The imperial ship had, in one turn, suffered five of its nine hull, but it had subsequently had the chance to pump its shields back up. And it could keep those shields topped off at five, for a total of nine hit points to burn through.

Miranda swept around in front and dropped cluster mines.


The Gozanti made a one bank, and only hit one of them. It suffered only one damage. A final shot finished off Horton. And with Miranda at only one hit point remaining, the Rebels conceded victory.


The B-Wing in the picture is Keyan, who had been destroyed. The Empire had the Gozanti cruiser still alive (4 hull left, 5 shields), the defender (3 hull, no shields), and one crack-shot TIE (3 hull).

Edited by MortalPlague


Photos are super clear. What did you use for a camera?

Photos are super clear. What did you use for a camera?

These were shot with my Panasonic GF2. It's a mirrorless interchangeable lens camera from a few years back, but it's got a 14mm f2.5 lens (about 28mm equivalent).

I brought the JPEGs into photoshop and sharpened them up some, too.

I guess you did! Wow! Thank you for the write up.

I had a ton of fun writing up my epic games, using a simple app to add maneuver lines to the photos. I combined all of the shots into a simple moviemaker and sent the 5 min "movie" to my buds to encourage future play.

Perhaps I should post something like that on BGG. You may have inspired me.

Nice work, thanks for sharing.

Great photos, great report, and glory and victory for the Empire. What more could I ask for?

Would love to see more epic with pics if you are willing to share!