Best Experience

By JoshisJoshingyou, in Warhammer: Diskwars

I was looking to get this out again. What is the best experience, 2 cores 1 of each expansion?More?Less? How big of a force is the most fun/density for a 3x3?


Edited by Crikrunners

Honestly, I think you can have a great time with even one core set and one of each expansion, but I think you get the best value with two cores and one of each expansion. I have found that this gives me excellent options for army-building without breaking the bank. My brother also owns one of each, and I have occasionally borrowed his disks for certain builds, but I find diminishing returns is the rule of the day for more than two cores, though it is nice to have three if you can afford the luxury. I would probably err on the side of two of each expansions before I would go for three cores.

As far as size, I think two regiment games are the best in terms of game-time and fun. That said, I enjoy three regiment as well. We did a three player, three regiment battle once and it was super crazy, chaotic, and fun. Things die in droves, which is pretty Warhammer-y.

Try both, see what you prefer! :)