Non-combat damage (indirect damage)

By AARONZEA, in Warhammer: Invasion The Card Game


Quick question regarding indirect damage.

For example: I deal 5 indirect damage to my opponent.

My opponent assigns it to a unit in a zone of their choice. There is only 1 unit in that zone.

If the unit that receives the indirect damage has 3 health, does that mean after the unit is discarded I get to apply 2 damage to my opponent's capital?

Or any excess damage is lost?

It is not clear to me in the FAQ.

Your opinions are appreciated.



Your opponent can distribute the indirect damage any way he wants, he just can't assign any more to a unit, legend or zone than it would take to destroy/burn it. So in your example, if he assigns 3 damage to the unit, he has to assign the other 2 to other units/legends/zones. He can assign both damage to the same unit/legend/zone or split them up. It's all his choice. He could also just assign 1 or 2 damage - or none at all - to the unit to keep it alive and assign the rest somewhere else.

Thank you.