[UTC -7 | MST][Voice]Experinced player LFG

By craftomega, in Dark Heresy General Discussion

As title describes I am looking for a group to play with. I am free Wednesday to Saturday at most times. I am looking for an online game and I have used most forms of online communication.I have been playing 40k rpg's for 6 years and have played all of them at one point or another. Feel free to ask me any questions here or PM me.

Skype: Craftomega

Are you looking for a group as a GM, or as a player? Might be useful to know. ^.^ As well as any interests you have when it comes to your initial character concept.

Are you looking for a group as a GM, or as a player? Might be useful to know. ^.^ As well as any interests you have when it comes to your initial character concept.

I have hundreds of initial character concepts... I simply select what ever one fits the group. If the GM does not like one I selected I simply select another one.

I have a Saturday scheduled game that I run...

Recruitment LINK HERE

This stands for anyone looking to sink their teeth into a DH2 40k Game

