Expansion Question

By tcabril, in Runebound


Currently I have only the Runebound 2nd editon set. I am, however, interested in some of the expansion packs. Is there anything on the expansion deck cards to indicate which expansion they come from? I like to be able to add an expansion and remove it at my choosing rather than mix the cards in and be unable to break them out again.

I like how Arkham Horror has a little icon - does the feature exist in Runebound?



Oh and by the way - My board is warping a bit - do any of you have that problem and what if anything can be done about it? Thanks!

I *think* the expansions cards have such an icon. It is certainly a common practice from FFG, although I don't currently have any of my Runebound cards at hand to check. You could look up card images on BGG to make sure if you like. If the icons are not present, I know there are websites that contain full card lists for each expansion. Might be more effort than you care for, but it would help you separate things.

It's also worth noting that at least some of the expansions have decks that *replace* base game decks instead of merge. Notably the big box expansions have different encounter decks (with different backs) that are not meant to be mixed with the base game decks. "Adventure Variant" small expansions are the same, in my experience.

Regarding the warped board, contact FFG customer support, they may be able to replace it for you.

Yep, each of the expansions has its own icon. The only semi-exception are the character decks, which share an icon.


if you don't want to mix expansions together with the main game you could get a board expansion, e.g. sands of al - kalim or frozen wastes (an adventure on a new board overlay, with new heroes) - additionally you would have new heroes for the main runebound. All the small card expansions have characteristic icons on them, but without the wrapping you won't know which expansion it is, I think.

About the warping board.. I have the same problem with my every Runebound boards (basic game and all of the expansions). I believe that it is the humidity which makes the board warp a bit. A new game is always wrapped in plastic so when you remove it, the humidity bends the board. I think that's the problem at least here in Finland where I am from and there's not much I can do about it.

I was recently re-sorting my Runebound components after a ratehr lengthy break in playing and I noticed that my main board has begun to warp as well. =(

It's not bad enough yet to worry about seeking a replacement and hopefully it won't get any worse (the game has been opened and unpacked for at least a year or two now, so hopefully any side-effects of removing the packaging have run their course by now.) Still, kind of a bummer. =(