Looking at the high hostess of the Castle: A constructive look at Amy.

By darklogos, in UFS General Discussion

MarcoPulleaux said:

darklogos said:

I've built a water deck. I've built several. A few weren't that bad. Thing is that water right now is very limited and you have to run everyting realy tight.


Another thing you really need to utilize with Water are the characters, especially the ones without Life (Herr, Kilik, Amy, Lizardman). Water has unique access to Together Again + Hall of the Warrior God, has decent draw in some form (Searching for Family, Pendant of the Western Paradise R), has some kill switches (Funeral, Lotus Flow, Waterfall).

I think it's gonna need more damage pump if it is to be viable.

Also Alex, I don't think that logic works in UFS. Remember Makoto?

Actually, it does work. That's why she was errata'd. Remember?

A stamp has already been given on the subject by AG for good measure.

See Antigoth mention the combo being legal in reply #13 of this thread:

explain how Not Human would ever give your attack + damage as opposed to minus damage? Are you implying the Silent Xia Shengs would take, for example, a 0 block mod, take it to let's say -4, and then use Not Human to give it +4 damage?

Hmm...cute idea I 'spose, but good luck getting all those Xia Shengs out.

MarcoPulleaux said:

Alex please don't imply that there can ever be a good Water deck in this current block

(perhaps the biggest lawl is that even though Lizardman's support got Evil, Water still has more low attacks). Reversing with Flash Needle must be pretty smexy in Lizardman I wager.

Void still trumps it, I find. Razor's Bite alone is smexy.

MarcoPulleaux said:

explain how Not Human would ever give your attack + damage as opposed to minus damage? Are you implying the Silent Xia Shengs would take, for example, a 0 block mod, take it to let's say -4, and then use Not Human to give it +4 damage?

Hmm...cute idea I 'spose, but good luck getting all those Xia Shengs out.

Let's think Soaring Dance and a Silent Xia Sheng Stance.

Soaring Dance is a +0, Silent Xia Sheng Stance a +1. When Silent is played, they become a -2 and -1, so the total block mods are -3, Not Human would give +3. Nothing too fancy, the attack now has +3/+3.

Let's extrapolate to just TWO copies of Silent. Soaring Dance is now a -4, both Silents are a -3, so Not Human now gives +10.

I'm just glad it shares no symbols with Marius Gaius, to be honest.

edit: Picture this. Not Human, Path, end turn. Turn 2, Soaring Dance, Silent Xia Sheng Stance, Silent Xia Sheng Stance, Silent Xia Sheng Stance, Not Human for +21 damage, Path for +10 for Xianghua? 13M31 turn 2? Sure it requires three actions, but it also doesn't require to be a turn 2 thing.

I thought block mods couldn't go below 0?

tannerface said:

I thought block mods couldn't go below 0?

They can. Why wouldn't they? Anything can go below zero, except your vitality.

Even when logic fails, like negative speed attacks, it's possible.

There are only 2 things off the top of my head that cannot go below zero.

Anytime you choose a number, that number must be non-negative. I.e. if a card says to reduce its speed by X (X cannot be more than the printed speed), then you may tap a foundation of difficulty no more than X, you cannot let x be negative eleventy million (even though the only restriction given is a max) to make your attack really fast.

Basically, if you pick a number, it cannot be less than zero.

Also damage. Damage can GO negative...but it cannot RESOLVE negative. An attack can be coming in for -10dmg, but upon resolution it deals zero damage (or doesn't deal zero damage...depending on how you wanna look at it, lol) For all intensive purposes, dealing 0 damage is not dealing damage. You cannot R with something "R: after your attack deals dmg" etc.

Yep, if you choose a number X, X must be positive.

And damage can also go into negatives but an attack being at negative damage deals no damage in the damage step.

But speed can go into negatives, so can control (boo BRT), difficulties (Playful Slice followed by Cross Style Madness, or ditching an attack with Finding Herpenis), and block mods. Essentially any number you don't CHOOSE can go into negatives.

K. Finding Herpenis is my new favorite card name from the new set. Replacing Ricky Martin and Mickey Mouse

I also renamed Deceptively Quick to Xianghua Hangs to the Left, but the reference may be lost on people who haven't seen the card... and Finding Herpenis actually sort of sounds close enough to the real card name in case someone goes "Did you say Finding Herpenis?" and you can go, "No, you perv, Finding Happiness... Happiness".

Plus you can say "I love Finding Herpenis", or "I like Finding Herpenis with a Pointing Thrust" and other non-dirty things become instantly dirty.

Puts a whole new spin on Xianghua's Sword of No Name, doesn't it?

Please Alex, Xianghua's "sword" has a first name ;D

What attacks are played in amy decks.. quite curious..

atm mine are

3x Leaping Snap Kick

3x Dragon Lifter

3x Soaring Dance

3x Flash Needle

2x Triple Botta in Tempo

2x Mark of the Beast

MarcoPulleaux said:

Please Alex, Xianghua's "sword" has a first name ;D

We are so off-topic at this point it's not even funny.

Back on topic, attacks for Amy!

Flash Needle
Fire Shadow
Bloody Funeral
Mark of the Beast
Soaring Dance

I'd say that lineup is nice. You have the low weapons to combo with Bloody Funeral, Mark of the Beast for multiple defense and Soaring Dance to provide it with momentum.

I haven't actually built an Amy yet. Too busy abusing her support in Order Hilde.

i play bloody funeral, flash needle, tripple botta, and hammer of the gods i believe...may be missing one, but my deck is not with me atm

I play fireshadow/flashneedle

Triple botta in tempo

tyr's warding smash

Bloody funeral

Also soaring dance soaring dance into fully multipled Flashneedle is nice with for justice, ultimate team, other damage pump (cough cough PoTM cough)

If you're gonna run her off Good, then you NEED to run her with Dragon Lifter, that's simply a given.

Off Order, there isn't much to say. Hammer of the Gods is where it's at, followed by Turn Thruster, Bloody Funeral, Flash Needle, there's quite a lot of options really. The Ultimate Team is where ya damage is at. Cursed Blood for speed, Relentless/FT for draw, and splash some Torn Hero for SA protection.