As we just had a session where stealth could have been useful, alas we don't have anyone good at that for the moment. Only my character (VM) and our AM got any decent agility, respectively 70 and 60. However neither of us have training in the relevant skills for the moment.
Most of the group are currently running around in light power armor, but alas AB 7 gives everyone a -30 on concealment/silent move.
Being the most agile, I started looking how I could make these skills better(aside from elite advances). Downgrading to a AB 6 armor would certainly help since I only have basic skills (-50%). Also you have stuff like Chameleoline cloak, nightcloak and more advanced a holo suit.
How does these stack with armor (regular and power version)? only holo suit makes any comment that it's usually used with "light or no armor" but doesn't specify anything. Can one use synskin+holosuit? Are there any rules I missed regarding this? If not I'll just have a discussion with our GM...