I might soon run an Only War one-shot with my group as a filler between campaigns / pilot for a new campaign. As such, I re-read the rules and generally got myself ready again
Looking at the Psyker, I saw Foreboding and thought "yeah, perfect! The psyker gets to evade based on his powers instead of having to specc physical stuff."
Then I looked at it more closely. Is it just me or is that power actually fairly useless?
Starting with Ag and Per fairly similar (33 and 30 respectively), for 300 xp I can either get Dodge+0 for a 33% chance at evading, or Foreboding and Per+5 for a 25% Dodge.
If I max out Foreboding by improving Per to +20, I'll have spent 1800 xp and have a 40% chance of evading an attack.
I can instead get Dodge+10 for a total of 900 xp and have a 43% chance of evading, or spend 1800 xp for an extra 10%.
And if I really want to, I can get Dodge up to 83% by maxing both the skill and Ag for 7750 xp.
I also looked at Forewarning, which it is a prereq for, and that just doesn't seem too useful either. At PR 5, casting unfettered, it is a 10% bonus, at the cost of sustaining a power.
Am I missing something here, or is Foreboding just kinda bad?
Edited to add: That's assuming I have NO matching aptitudes with Dodge - if I can somehow get my hands on the Ag aptitude, it gets even more favorable to Dodge.