I ran the intro adventure from the core book first, and now I'm about to start "The Edge of Darkness." Does anyone have a map for the Alm's House? I can wing it, but I'm lazy.
Anyone have a map for the Alm's House from Edge of Darkness?
There's another set of maps some blogger made up a while ago. They're larger than the ones above, but have a far more linear layout.
Wow those are nice! I wish I'd found them before I went through the trouble of creating mine. *lol*
I used them for my own runthrough of Edge of Darkness and found they worked quite the treat. The ground floor proved to be an excellent place for a firefight, the enforcers having fallen back there and the acolytes assaulting the Alms House with the aid of some of Luntz' expendable goons. Large enough to give Basic Weapons an advantage, lots of cover to use on both sides and quite pretty to look at. That said the 2nd floor was pretty dull compared to the one below, and since it didn't look down onto the entrance hall below I couldn't set up a crossfire to make the lives of the acolytes more difficult. Instead I put a few enforcers in the side rooms (chapel and mess hall), but they were cut to pieces pretty quickly. Especially since half the team came in through the back door.
Nice pics. We have been using some board layouts from Dungeonquest type boardgames - generic cardboard squares you can move as well as multipurpose plastic figs. For example the reception desk looked a lot like a stone altar...
Good to see people are still using my maps
The second level wasn't that exciting, true. But I took my queues from the adventure and designed them as close as possible to that.
On a side note, I'll done all of the Illumination maps too, I should probably post them somewhere. I'll also be mapping out Purge the Unclean for my group.
I do these all in Dundjinni and print them out on a 1 inch scale. I put them together before hand and just roll them out. The players love it and I think it makes battle and important locations more exicting.
Thank you so much. Any chance the Dunjini files are on line somewhere? I have the program, might as well make more use of your hard work!
I could put the DJA files up, but you would also need all the textures and objects I used to be able to open the maps.
We could work something out though., if you really want to.