What Can Be Twin-linked

By The_Shaman, in Rogue Trader Rules Questions

Hi, in a campaign I recently started the issue of what can be twin-linked popped up a few times, in particular regarding the purchase of twin-linked sniper rifles. Was there ever a clarification of what can and cannot be twin-linked for personal use?

Which barrel would be used to aim that precise shot from? Does the sight split the difference between barrels or simply deliver its attack slightly to both sides of the intended target? Or maybe it's an over-and-under?

There are a system of "upgrades" for weapons in all of the source books, and with the exception of Orks, there's no way to upgrade a weapon to make something Twin-Linked.

As Errant Knight pointed out, the idea of a twin-linked sniper rifle is patently ridiculous, as is the general notion of twin linking. The bonus is minimal, and making something Storm randomly would produce more bang for your buck.

So unless you're playing an Orkish Sniper (hunt those Celestial Lions!) you can't just slap two rifles together and call it a day.