The Original Adventurer

By 80sVamp, in Talisman Home Brews

I thought fellow Talismanista would like to see a little project thats finally come to fruition after several years of buzzing around in the old grey matter.

As a lover of Gray Chalk artwork and with the 1st /2nd editions being my favourites I often wondered who the chap was on the front of the 1st edition box.


As he is a piece of Chalk artwork I thought I would make up a character card for him. The first problem was that part of him was missing by the edge of the box lid. I divised a cunning plan and copied the front of the box and stuck a piece of paper on the back and then painted in the missing bits. (I hope Gary doesn't mind)


As he is the first Talisman character any of us saw back in the 80s I thought his abilities could reflect him being born and bred in the Talisman land rather than a passing adventurer. His strengths lie in the village and his name well..."The Original Adventurer"

1/You begin the game with a water bottle and a sword.

2/You were born in the village and are well known to all the residents there,with th efollowing benefits:-

a/ Healer-You may heal one life free of charge per visit

b/ Blacksmith- You may buy objects for 1gp less than the normal price

c/ Mystic- You may add one or subtract one from your die roll

3/ You are uneffected by the Hag

4/You may add one to your combat score against dragon.

I then sent this to Jon at Talisman Island who worked his IT wizardry skills on it, removing the back ground, hiding the join mark and fitting it all onto a second edition card. He did a wonderful job. Thanks Jon.

The next job was to convert a figure to match the card. I found the Wood Elf archer musician with the harp fitted well and I carried out the following modifications:-

1/remove harp.

2/Cut off that arm at the elbow and turn it round so the back of the hand is now facing forward. Milliput joint.

3/Cut sword off boot and bend left arm forward.

4/Give him a hair cut removing the excess hair from his brow and back of kneck. Also create a hole for the ear to poke out.

5/Remove bauble type metal waist band.

6/Milliput shoulder armour plates, painting in securing straps.

7/trim excess material off sleeves

8/cut away more of the material around his kneck to allow more throat to be exposed.

9/The second cross belt is just painted on.

10/ Cut left leg off support and bend backwards

I tried putting a dagger in on his belt but there just isn't the room on the figure and it didn't look right.

(I apologise now to anyone who collects mint wood elf figures but the figure I bought to do this was pretty manky)

Figure conversion not being a strong point of mine, i think he turned out rather well.

He can be found here on Jon News brilliant Talisman Island

I hope you enjoy adventuring with him.

Edited by 80sVamp

Love it... Nice work! Now, time to updatenit to 4th edition revised! ;-)