Talisman all-in-one rules preview

By JediKnightAmoeba, in Talisman

So I had the entire Talisman rules put into one PDF. I mentioned it and there were a few interested parties so I thought I would share it with the rest of the community. Well, to share it, it needs to be pretty close to perfect. Just moving a few items can take hours if you mess up and my rough copy I have had quite a few so I thought I would tidy it up....well, this is proving to take forever! lol

Here is the preview of the first 17 pages. The rest should go a lot easier. I have a few finishing touches to this preview like page numbers, update the Table of contents, reference page numbers in the pages but that is all minor detail.

Every single rules PDF on FFG's website is in a different format; some scans, some pieces, some with layers, some with no layers...so this has been quite the task for me. Using photoshop and foxit pdf editor I have been able to do pretty well though I think. I don't even want to tell anyone how long this has taken me because between the font, spacing and pictures, it has been problematic.

I have made this rulebook with the concept you have all the expansions and are probably using all or most of them. I am going to put all the rules for each expansion into the alternative rules though so you can have this rulebook and only reference the parts you need. Overall I like having it printed out and really look forward to having a this copy complete so I can have it printed out as well! :-)

In another post I asked for pictures of the miniatures because at the end of this I want to add a picture of each miniature with the character card for reference. Considering what they have done with the pictures of plastic minis this has been tough. I may end up going with painted versions but I think the originals would be better.

Well here is the preview for you guys to roast me on! I do look forward to suggestions....

I just noticed the copy I shared does not have the letters in the red circles for the maps...They are there, just got pushed to the back layer.

I don't think that links to your Dropbox. I can't see anything but my own.

There seems to be a problem with page 14-17. These pages either don't exist or they can not be displayed.

I came looking for a complete rulebook of all the expansions. This is a great start. Pages 15 and 16 render correctly when I view them in the browser, but saving local and opening in the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader, they are blank.

This seems to have never gone further though, so I ended up making my own from scratch. I'll upload in a separate thread.

Edited by Kaaihn

Viewing in Dropbox without saving, I can see all the pages.

Did you mean to change from "icons" to "symbols" and back when describing the expanison symbols (icons)?

This is a lot of work. Thank you!

ohh this is so great :)

cant wait for you to finish!

I am an editor and I have cringed at some of the typos and other random stylistic/mechanics issues I've seen on occasion. If you want an edit of the entire thing when you're done, I'd be happy to volunteer my services. :)

This is looking fantastic. Can't wait to see it finished. Then I can talk to my friend who works in a print shop...

Perfect! Exactly what Talisman needs :)

Keep up the good work mate :)