Looking For Wednesday Evening Group

By KalElKenobi1138, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Beginner Game

So, here's the deal, my Wednesday evenings have become aggressively boring and I want to find an online group to play with either using roll20.net or rptools.net. Here's the other deal. I'm posting this in all three Star Wars game forums because I don't want to be limited to just one core book. I'm a complete novice when it comes to using these websites, so someone who is proficient would be nice, if not, I'll learn, but currently it looks like rptools is easiest to use especially since I'm mac based. Also, I'd rather be just a player rather than a DM, but once again, if I can't find a DM I'll do it, but I think I'll be running adventures out of the books because I feel my creativity is low right now. Hit me up if you're interested.

wrong forum, sorry please delete