Numbers in the board

By highorph, in Star Wars: Rebellion

Hi all,

After looking for the response in the FAQ's and using the search tool without any success, I come up with a minor question.

I just spotted some planets with a number on the left of their names, going from 1 to 3 and I didn't find anything about them in the rules. What is the purpose for those? Any clue?


These numbers tell you where on the build queue to place units constructed from the planets resources.

Found in Learn to Play book Pg 10

Advance Time Marker

Bullet = II

"Build Icon: Each player builds
one unit matching each resource
icon in his loyal and subjugated
systems (explained later). For
subjugated systems, he uses
only the left-most resource icon.
He takes these units from the
supply and places them on his
build queue (see below) in the
space matching the number to
the left of the resource icon."

Also in Rules Reference Pg 3 Bottom Left Column,


"To build units, players simultaneously builds units. Each player places

one unit on his build queue for each resource icon in his loyal and
subjugated systems. The number next to the icon indicates the space
on which the units are placed. For subjugated systems, use only the
first (left-most) icon."
Edited for spelling grammar and better citation of rules.
Edited by Devon Greatwolf

There are also a few of the missions that tell you to put units on the build que using a system's icons and that number.

Not to be a jerk, but what did you think they were for? And how have you been building units till now? I'm genuinely curious in what other ways that could have been interpreted.

Not to be a jerk, but what did you think they were for? And how have you been building units till now? I'm genuinely curious in what other ways that could have been interpreted.

Rebellion is littered with rules and sub-rules. It is easy to miss or misunderstand a rule here and there during your first few plays. A good community like this one helps all of us to come to gain further enjoyment out of this game. :)

Not to be a jerk, but what did you think they were for? And how have you been building units till now? I'm genuinely curious in what other ways that could have been interpreted.

If you're new to this sort of game this is a thing that is easily misunderstood. Having played wargames of various stripes before one of the first things I want to know is how to get reinforcements and additional units. That said. I understand your curiosity as it is clearly pointed out in the rules.