Toronto Regional

By Comely, in X-Wing Battle Reports

So I decided I wanted to type up my experience at the Toronto Regional. I had originally planned to play some defenders for the tournament but since veterans got delayed I had to come up with a new list. I was going to play whisper, Omega, Yorr but I am only so so with whisper and didnt want to show up with a net list and do poorly. So I brought:

Biggs - r4-d6, IA

Ezra - Elusiveness, Chewbacca, autoblaster turret

Miranda - TLT, C-3po, Homing missiles, guidance chips, extra munitions

I had played the list twice before, went 1 and 1 but had fun with it.

Game 1

My opponent was flying standard soontir, standard inquisitor and Jax with TIE instead of stealth device.

I flew up the side of the board straight at the inquisitor but turned in right to where I thought Jax was going and I was able to kill him quickly. Biggs died the turn right after though and Miranda started to take some heat as I wandered around trying to get them into arc. Eventually I was able to block Soontir with Ezra and Miranda had a range 1 in arc shot at him, Even though she only had 3 hull left I used my last shield to throw 4 dice and soontir thinking the Inquisitor couldn't do more then 2 to me with C-3po. I snuck 2 hits past Soontirs defences and left him at 1, unfortunately one of the 2 damage the inquisitor put onto Miranda was a crit and a double damage ended the game for her. Ezra flew around and eventually knocked the inquisitor down to 1 hull as well but I was never able to line up a kill shot on either of them. Game 1 ends in a loss.

Game 2

My opponent was flying Palob, with cloak and dorsal and Intelligence agent, Torkhil with a dorsal turret and I cant remember what else and IG-88b with a HLC, AT and advanced sensors

So on my initial joust against this list I managed to get ezra and Biggs into range 1 right away along with Miranda at range 2. I fired everything at the IG88 but his green dice were decent and I didnt even knock his shields completely off. I then k turned the shuttle and biggs behind them only to have biggs get finished off by the turrets. Ezra managed a few turns behind the IG and he was now into hull. I barrel rolled into what I thought was going to be a block on the IG and he did a boost followed by a k turn. The straight boost didnt fit though so he did a slight boost which was a pretty fatal mistake as it took him off the board. That same turn Ezra finished off Torkhil and miranda reentered the fight as she had eaten a couple of HLC shots earlier. Killing palob with 2 ships was hard from there. Game 2 is a win, now I am 1 and 1.

Game 3

My game 3 opponent was flying 2 contracted scouts and zuckuss.

I went for a straight joust keeping some debris between me and the scouts and tried to take out zuckuss fast. The scouts split their first 2 missiles because Biggs was out of range of 1 so ezra took some heat as well. In the second round of engagement biggs ezra and zuckuss all bumped into the forward leading scout. Zuckuss got 5 hits against ezra and ezra blanked out, r4-d6 has never come up so big as ezra took just the 2 points along with just 1 stress. A missile was able to be launched at miranda as well which knocked out her shields and Zuckuss fell to the point blank ezra shot. The 2 scouts there proceeded to take range 2 shots against ezra for most of the rest of the game and he deaked and weaved until finally going down in the second last turn. During that time one scout lost 3 shields and the other was taken down to just 2 hull points. I used the second missile on the last turn to knock the second one below half and his last missile never got a chance to fly. Game 3 is a win, now I am 2 and 1.

Game 4

My Opponent was running 2 k wing bombers, 1 with sabine and 1 with a bombardier and a naked z95.

She deploys the 2 bombers a decent distance apart. I set up across from the one with the bombardier and then turn sharply towards the sabine one once we get close, unfortunately I both rock biggs so he gets no shot but I am also in to close of a formation so she is able to conner net biggs and ezra at the same time. the other k wing swings around behind and nets Miranda. Miranda is able to throw a missile into the sabine wing and along with a couple of other shots she is down just a couple of hull. The sabine wing drops a thermal detonator thinking the bonus damage is going to finish of Ezra, I proc Chewbacca and he keeps chasing. Sabine boosts away and I leave a hurting biggs to chase her. Ezra k turns to meet up with the chasing z95 and it gets cleared off the board but so does ezra. Miranda maneuvers and gets off her second missile on the other k wing and biggs finishes off the sabine wing. Miranada then plinked away at the other k wing till the end while a 1 hull Biggs hid as far away as possible. Game 4 is another win, I am now 3 and 1 and feeling really good about my day.

Game 5

My opponent was flying Kyle with tlt, jan and moldy crow, Poe with lone wolf, AT, comm relay and r5d9 and Jake with VI, PTL, Title, prockets and guidance chips

So flew straight at poe who was off on the side and got an early barrage on him including a missile and it did crap all to him. Jake came around the side and demolished Biggs with a procket. I hadn't been paying great attention cause it was so loud when he told me his list so this was when I realised that Jake had no AT. Biggs dropped Jakes shields with a good autoblaster shot and then Miranda finished him off with the TLTs. I then set to chasing Kyle and was able to catch him and pull him down quickly with my other missile. Poe focuses on Ezra but only gets him down to 2 remaining hull as I stress him on every shot for elusiveness and keep green moving and dodging. I don't have enough time to actually kill poe though so we spend the rest of the game not really hurting each other. Game 5 is a win, I am now 4 and 1 and my list has done way better then I ever imagined it would.

Game 6

My Opponent was flying Dangaroo but he asked if we wanted to call a judge over for an intentional draw. I agreed because I was hot and sweaty and wanted the break if I could have it. End of round robin I am 4-1-1, good enough for a 10 place finish for the cut to 16.

Top 16 Match

My opponent was flying Soontir, VI Vader and a palp shuttle.

I came in in formation but then broke Ezra off to flying in between 2 asteroids where I thought Soontir was headed too. This pays off and I knock out Soontirs stealth device. I trade some shots against vader with the other 2 but minimal damage is done on either side. I blow past the 2 aces to try and chase down the emperor and he swings Soontir around back. For some reason he boosts in to get a range 1 shot at Biggs leaving him at range 1 of Ezra and I get an easy Soontir kill. I am able to stay behind the emperor from there and finish him off and Vader wounds up having to switch targets a few times and spreads out the damage. Vader works himself into a corner during the process and it is easy enough to finish him off from there. First win of the day without any casualties although I have the feeling the heat had gotten to my opponent quite bad.

Top 8 match

My opponent is flying echo with a recon specialist, the inquisitor with prockets and colzet with accuracy correctors.

I gave my opponent initiative with all the 8s on the board and managed to missile colzet off the board really early. Unfortunately I lost biggs the next turn and ezra the turn after that. I now has Miranda against 2 full health ships super maybe about 15 minutes into the game. I had regretted giving him initiative at this point because Echo always would be cloaked before I shot but the decision really saves me at this point. Every time Miranda is in Echos arc she slams out and occasionally takes shots from the inquisitor. I fly circles around the board getting the occasional hit in on echo until he is down to 1. He sets his dial thinking he has room for a specific decloak and he doesn't. His only other option for decloaking puts echo onto a rock and causes him to explode. At this point I have a mostly full Miranda against the inquisitor so I am feeling pretty good as I can trade shots with him at my leisure and just run away if I get to low. He chases me around the board for a bit and eventually the inquisitor goes down to TLT fire.

Top 4 match

My opponent was flying Dangaroo but wasn't the same person I was supposed to face in round 6.

This game was on twitch and I was super tired at this point of time. I joust with Dengar thinking I can hurt him bad with a missile and he popped counter measures. I can honestly say that was the first time I ever faced counter measures. Biggs goes down in a heap so I trying and disengage and go after Manaroo but a I do a poor job of it. I cant seem to shake Dangar or even get in a good spot to slam away until Miranda goes down. At this point I know its over and I glance over at the other table, they are still playing so I have Ezra do a heroic last charge that ends predictably.

My opponent from this game goes on to win the whole event.

All in all for a list I brought just because I thought it was fun wound up getting me almost to the end so I really cant complain. I had some lucky match ups I think and got some opponents at the right time but a win is a win I guess.

Well done, it takes good flying to have results like yours

Well done, it takes good flying to have results like yours

True I definitely had my good flying matches but there was also a couple of times where I just got lucky as well. Also I having a relatively durable list helped me correct some mistakes I made. For example staying in formation around Biggs at the beginning of the game against the bomber list or the choosing to try and target Poe first against the Kyle, Poe, Jake list. Both of those games I flew relatively well after opening mistakes.