Game Groups?

By tehgr8supa, in Rogue Trader

I'm looking to play some Rogue Trader. Is there a place to find groups that play in my area?

tehgr8supa said:

I'm looking to play some Rogue Trader. Is there a place to find groups that play in my area?

Uhmmm...What is your area...?


I have:

- posted on forums (like this one) asking about players in my area

- searched and located general gaming forums in my area, and posted for players

- put up flyers in hobby shops looking for players

- talked to people running hobby stores looking for likely players.

This game is a bit more specialized than some and can take a little research to find a good group. I recommend you discuss your playing styles and such quite a bit - and plan a test game or two - before you consider yourself successful.

There are also places where you can play online, such as RPOL and Dark Reign .

Have you tried the online gaming? Maybe it is my age, but I find it hard to believe that online RPG can replace face-to-face gaming. But I am interested in feedback and a review of this style of RPG.

I find that it can actually help to get into the mindset of the character more, because you have time to think out responses, rather than just going on the fly like you do face-to-face. Also, it sticked to the RP, so the random OOC tangents that often plague IRL games don't impact the game as much, so you can focus on playing.

It all depends why you RP. I like developing interesting characters in a lot of detail, so online RP is well suited to me. It won't suit everyone, but you never know without trying.

Got to agree with MILLANDSON and can't talk highly enough of RPOL and the like. When you reach a certain age and the pople you used to play with move away and you gain other commitments getting a group together, I've found, is nigh on impossible.

I have to get all my RP kicks from the net nowadays and, although it'll never replace face to face sessions, it does a more than adequate job.

i'm also looking for a group. not having much luck with the online gaming sites. perferable if the group simply used ventrilo and dice system instead of tring no navigate a play by post. i have vent . I just don't like to sign up for extra stuff just for a quick game

Whats your area? If your in LA county then your about 35-55 min from where I live.

sorry, wrong end of the country. thanks though

Don't suppose anyone's near the Philadelphia area?

do any of you have ventrilo that we could do this with?

Yeah but I don't particularly like doing games on vent.

I do a lot of play by post and online live chat gaming myself. I am considering running a DH/RT type game in the near future via OpenRPG.

I play and run games via OpenRPG quite a bit and have had much fun doing so.

Anybody in Indianapolis? :D