Dwarf Grudge. A little help pleace :)

By Ivy91, in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay


Im playing a dwarf grudgekeeper, and i have a little bit of problem .

Im going after a dwarfen made sword that was taken from a Dwarf lord. And it has a lot of sparkling dimonds a stuff on it. But wat if i can`t find it, if the family has lost it. Wat would be a good payback for the dwarf to get rid of the grudge? Some ideas?

As always, sorry for my bad english, norwagen girl :)


Time for you to show some gnollengrom beardling, now sit down and listen. And get me a beer while your at it. No, not that swilled moose-piss, proper beer!!!

Dwarves are grudges and grudges are dwarves. Without grudges what would we have to complain about? Everyone knows that dwarves complain about the way things used to be, but what they don't say is that this is because dwarves have a long standing grduge against time itself, and damned if we aren't still here and there's plenty of time after passing isn't there, so we'll see who wins that one.

A Dwarf that swears a grudge promises his very being to honouring the wording in it until his last grumbling breath. It's widely accepted that Grungni himself stubbed a toe in an underground cavern and swore vengeance against the mountains themselves. We've been extracting compensation from them ever since. If you go back on a grudge, you spit in the face of the great lineage of dwarves that have spent a lifetime seeking recompense for the completely ireelevent and pithy wrongs done against them. Lives and lifetimes have been spent seeking that wrongs be made right. If you make a grudge, you keep to it's words to the absolute letter. Until that point where it is utterly completely unredeemable, and if that miracle should so happen THEN YOU SWEAR ANOTHER GRUDGE FOR THAT BASTARD FATE PUTTING YOU IN THIS SITUATION. Of course you can be reasonable for this sort of situation. A mountain of grobi skulls sounds like a moderately acceptable reimbursement grudge.

Now you're saying this grduge was about what?

A what? A sword ? You swore a grudge over a sword ? A daft little peice of Umgi workmanship won't last till the end of the oath you swore to find it.


You swore an oath to find a sword? Does the sword still exist? Even in sixfold and seven score pieces?


Then guess what? Time to get yourself a magnifying glass. So long as individual components of the implement remain, then you are advised to find them. ALL OF THEM. Unless they are utterly irrevocably destroyed.

And don't give me that nonsense about a dragon eating it until you've cut the bugger open and checked .

And if that oath seems too much for you, then there's another one that usually suits for weak willed, lilly livered cowards. One in front of a shrine of Grimnar. It also involves a radical change of hairstyle and alternative living style.

Do I make myself clear?

If you are a dwarf and make an oath or swear a grudge you either satisfy the terms of your promise or become a slayer.

Any slight can have a dwarf swear a grudge, the repayment to remove a grudge is up to the grudgebearer.

For an heirloom weapon the return of the weapon might suffice, if destroyed the pieces and compensation for repair or rebuilding by a dwarven smith.

THAT IS THE MOST EPIC ANSWAR EVER GIVEN!!!!!! OMG, i laught alot!!!! ^_^ Thanks for the most genius answar!

"Manling coins are like their words: Never trust them! Use your weighing scales and keep your axe handy." :D

Been playing total war a lot then?

Yes very good answer (though it was a dwarf-made sword in the post, not an umgi-made one.

Well then a grudge should be sworn for wasting a good dwarf smith's valuable time eh?

Last time we made some swords for the beardless prop-knockers the buggers wouldn't stop bleating on about their precious runefangs. I agree it's good to keep apprentices busy though...

By the way, where do i get Horror of Hugendal? Doesn`t find it anywhere!!!

Thanks from the noob

It's the adventure included in the Signs of Faith set (rounding out official cults, adding disease and Nurgle).


I enjoyed it as it has the nice mix of investigation and combat, and played it up as Hammer Horror style (play log is in GM section) - it's also got seeds in it that can be expanded into a larger adventure by a GM. The final confrontation can be a bit over top for PC's.

You can also connect it to Eye for an Eye and a campaign centred around Ubersreik.

Thanks :) Im going to put them through an eye for an eye first, I have alot of totaly new players that i have taken through a few missons. And then i tought about starting Horror of hugendal, The gathering storm, and then the witches song, that i do realy looking forward to! And i am going to mix in a set of my own missons in between there :P

I created a family connection between a PC and the noble family in Witch's Song, works particularly well if the PC is a magic user as magic runs in blood so connects to the NPC in Witch's Song (another adventure which can be played as horror/Hammer story style).