Here puppy puppy puppy, Nashtah Puppy!

By Vitalis, in X-Wing Painting and Modification

So after buying Hound i needed a puppy! Work time around 4h, z95s are really fun to paint.

2HEMQ7K.jpg 4VbHByT.jpg

Is the cockpit glare painted on? I can't tell, which if it is, means it's really good.

The rest is really nice too!

Is the cockpit glare painted on? I can't tell, which if it is, means it's really good.

The rest is really nice too!

Yeap its painted :)

Very nice work on that, then =)

Nice looking pup. I also did a pup repaint. Not nearly as good though. Kudos.

Nice Re-paint.

great detail and shading, and the cockpit glare finishes it of nicely

Excellent !

All the best,
