Why Tokens and not cards

By Mayhemmac, in Wings of War (WWII)

I just ripped open the Dawn of War yesterday and found the damage tokens. I wonder why tokens and not cards as in the WWI set?

Has anyone made cards, which in my opinion are better than tokens and cups and drawing and all that?

Just curious.


The reason is simple: money. Tokens are way cheaper than cards. If you had damage cards instead of tokens that would mean at least 2 flight decks less.

Tokens are just too, cumbersome. I would have been happier with cards.

I would be inclined to believe cards and the thick tokens would be very near the same cost.
Still, it is a very good game.

The reason I heard is that during the war was a lot of different weapons used, It was easier in WW1 where you usually had 1 or 2 guns with the same caliber, only few planes had more guns or in case with the SPAD XII and a version of the Voison bomber, a 37mm canon (no rules for the canon exist in Wow, at least not to my knowledge).

As they add planes for the whole war they would be forced to add several more combat decks and they seems to think that adding more tokens is simpler. Storage is at least easier with token though I myself also prefers cards.

But it is not an easy task to count in for all the different armament of the war without using dices and tables as most other games do. It is one of the main reasons that a WW1 airgame is easier to make than a WW2 game. Another is that few planes in WW1 used steel plates to protect the pilot and other parts of the planes (well, junkers JI had a kind of steel bathtub where the pilot and observers sat). stuff like that is easier in a game made like the old FASA game "Crimson skies" (brilliant game also BTW but more complicated than Wow and DOW).

Making a good WW2 flight game is very hard, Andrea did a nice job. Of course you have to choose between fast game play and realism, and they differs a lot more in WW2 games than WW1. Wow did go to make the game easy and it's have many advantages even if there are some things I miss from the more complicated games sometimes.

After geting the Deluxe set for X-mas I would agree that the tokens seem to provide alot more flexibily.

drawng from a cup is not really all that cumbersome and the color coding keeps it simple. Less cards to store.

As another player said...."time to take a sip form the cup of death" sorpresa.gif