A few maneuvers, err questions.

By bigred92, in Star Wars: Rebellion

Tactic Cards

At the start of combat you draw tactic cards equal to the highest printed tactics number on your leaders present (current max of 3 for both space and ground). Is this correct?

Do you only draw tactic cards from the ground(space) deck if the combat only has aerial(ground) units?

At the end of combat all played tactic cards are reshuffled into their respective decks. Correct?

Do unplayed cards stay with the player that drew them, or are they reshuffled into the deck?

If you keep your tactic cards until they are played, what happens when players enter combat and there are not enough cards for both players to draw? Does the player who initiated the combat draw first?

Are the Imperial Project cards and the Rebel Objective cards part of the player's hand of Mission cards? Or are they separate?

Also on some of the Mission cards such as Lure of the Dark Side it states "Count all skill icons during this attempt." Does this mean that each player rolls a die for each skill icon that the Leaders that are present have? Such that if the Emperor and Vader are both present the Imperial player would roll 10 dice?

Thanks for the help.

You are right on the first question.

Space Tactic cards are drawn at the beginning of the first round of space combat.

Ground Tactic cards are drawn at the beginning of the first round of ground combat.

If there is no combat on the ground, no ground tactics are drawn.

No tactics cards can be kept after combat ends. New combat means new cards.

Imperial project cards do count against hand limit. Objective cards do not.

You are right on the final question.

Have fun!

Space Tactic cards are drawn at the beginning of the first round of space combat.

Ground Tactic cards are drawn at the beginning of the first round of ground combat.

You are right on everything but this.

RR page 4:

Combat steps:

1. Add Leader

2. Draw Tactic Cards "Each player draws space tactic cards according to his leader’s space tactic value and ground tactic cards according to on his leader’s ground tactic value."

3. Combat Round

When doing the lure of the dark side card you count all skill icons on the attempt, does this apply to opposing leaders or is that cards just an instant succes?

Edited by jocke01

When doing the lure of the dark side card you count all skill icons on the attempt, does this apply to opposing leaders or is that cards just and instant succes?

Yes it counts for opposing leaders as well, including the captured leader you are trying to corrupt.

When doing the lure of the dark side card you count all skill icons on the attempt, does this apply to opposing leaders or is that cards just and instant succes?

Yes it counts for opposing leaders as well, including the captured leader you are trying to corrupt.

I find most of the time it ends up being 10 dice (+2 auto success) versus 8-10 dice as both the Imperials and Rebels throw a lot of leaders into it as its a big swing.