L5R minis game

By dboeren1, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

Slightly off-topic but one thing I really want to see is an L5R minis game from FFG. Surely there is a market for at least one minis game that isn't based on Star Wars, right?

I'm an old tabletop minis guy and one of the important characteristics of these games for me is factions and faction communities. Star Wars is cool and all, but a game with two factions just isn't quite the same thing. There is no sense of having "your" faction, and I know you L5R guys understand this because it's one of the only card games that successfully pulled off the idea of faction loyalty among players.

The Rebel Alliance is as much "my" faction as any faction can be, including my Unicorn loyalty. But take that as you will.

EDIT: It only occurred to me after my posting that you probably mean you want to be playing a faction nobody else is playing. But I guess I prefer it this way, as there is strength in numbers. Unlike Dak Ralter, I don't feel I can take on the whole Empire myself.

Edited by MarthWMaster

Look at Ronin from Osprey Publishing. Very easy to play and does not require a lot of miniatures. Its also very very fun to play.

I think having the clans and fluff of L5R in a miniatures game would be fantastic!

Go buy the old l5r Clan War miniatures game! Valiant Enterprises sells the miniatures! Rules might be available online somewhere.

Might see even a new edition of the game (albeit with a rules and name change) in the future if the lcg does well enough. Would probably be more like Imperial Assault or Descent than a more classic table top miniatures game.

Since FFG have the license for L5R in all types of games, I can't imagine they wouldn't hit as many types as they could.

I remember I played the Clan Wars miniature game a loooong time ago with my budies minis. It was fun if a but convoluted (having to make leadership skill checks to turn around your formation for example). That said, having the heroes of the Clans beautifully painted on a big table was a sight to behold. I have an old pewter Togashi Hoshi and a Yokuni in my stash of unpainted minis, I hope I can get around to painting them one of these days :)

For some reason, I keep thinking about what it would take to retheme the recently announced Runewars miniatures game to L5R. So maybe I paint my humans yellow, add some lion banners, maybe some weapon modifications, and the undead guys get the shadowlands treatment. Obviously, it would be great if they'd just release an L5R version of the game, but this will have to hold me over until that happens.

Edited by cparadis

I tend to avoid mini games. Only one that stuck was Malifaux, and then only kinda. But I have to say, if they made an l5r minis game I'd be all over it. Preferably skirmish sized. Not a fan of the tons of troops like 40k and such. Warma-hordes was even a little much for me.

if only they had a rank and file system they could use...

Pending on how well RuneWars does, they might bring back the old L5R miniatures game. With updated rules and plastic minis, of course. With so many clans, it might be interesting to see who they would pick for a core set. Lion versus someone.

Having seen Runewars in action at GenCon 2016?

FFG could very easily create a new Clan Wars miniatures game using pretty much those rules.

Battle of Biden Pass?

Pending on how well RuneWars does, they might bring back the old L5R miniatures game. With updated rules and plastic minis, of course. With so many clans, it might be interesting to see who they would pick for a core set. Lion versus someone.

Battle of Biden Pass?

Pending on how well RuneWars does, they might bring back the old L5R miniatures game. With updated rules and plastic minis, of course. With so many clans, it might be interesting to see who they would pick for a core set. Lion versus someone.

That's a good one too, but I think they might go with the "new" setting rather than an older one. Maybe there's some fluff battle that leads up to the lcg core set that sets up everything? Something like a grand alliance versus Kanpeki or something along those lines?

Obviously it's time for FFG to bring back DiskWars. I've got my Toshimokos and Fire Dragons ready to flip yo.

Obviously it's time for FFG to bring back DiskWars. I've got my Toshimokos and Fire Dragons ready to flip yo.

After failure of WHF version it's impossible. :D

Personally, I would LOVE to see a newly minted "Clan Wars" miniatures game, with the opening set being "The Battle of Beiden Pass", with the Crab Clan forces lead by HIda Sukune and Hida Yakamo (w/ Claw) vs the Dragon & Unicorn Clan forces lead by Toturi the Black and Mirumoto Hitomi.

It covers the majority of your unit bases. The Heavy Infantry of the Crab, the Cavalry of the Unicorn, the rank and file of medium infantry on both sides, with Heroes mechanics covering Hitomi and Yakamo. It really would be the best way to introduce the game.