I have been flying Scyks since January trying to find a way to make them viable. In two of the three SC’s I attended this spring, finished dead last in one, and 2 nd place in another. The third SC occurred 2 days after Wave 8 dropped. In looking through the stuff, I got curious about Attanni Mindlink and felt that it might be the answer that Scyks needed to at least give them decent action economy to counter their mediocre dial, low HP, and cost. I finished in the middle of the pack with 4 Mindlinked Scyks in the last SC, but decided then and there that I was going to run them for Regionals.
I did some further tweaking of the Scyk Scyk Sputnik squad. I got rid of Serrisu, and did some testing with a Jumpmaster and Gand Findsman for support. Both did OK, but the Scyks really seem to benefit from Stealth Device, and I needed more alpha strike punch for U-Boats and higher agility large-based ships or large HP ships with Vader crew. I wound up running with Cluster N’Dru, and went to the Anchorage Regionals with the following:
2 x Tansarii Point Vet w/title, Mangler Cannon, Mindlink and Stealth Device
Tansarii Point Vet as above, no Stealth Device
N’Dru with Mindlink, Cluster Missiles and Guidance Chips
Anchorage Regionals
The date of the regionals was about the worst day possible. Several of our regular players had prior commitments (weddings, etc), there was a large 40K tournament at another store, Salmon fishing season was opening, and it was 75 degrees and sunny. What would have been a crowd pushing 30 people in the winter, was only 12 that day. Small tournament, yes, but many of our top local players were there. The TO announced that we would be doing 4-rounds of Swiss and a top 4 cut (enhanced play).
Secondly, I am going to note beforehand that my luck this day stretched the gamut from absolutely horrible to fantastic.
Round 1: James
James brought:
Farlander w/FCS and Autoblaster
Wedge w/ R5-D8, Shield upgrade and Outmaneuver
Red Squadron Pilot w/ R2-D6 and VI
The rocks were clumped tightly in the middle. I set the TPV’s up in the lower left corner 1x2, aimed to my right, across the board. N’Dru was in the opposite corner facing them. James set up his ships spread across the upper middle, Keyan in the middle, RSP on my right, and Wedge on the left.
I turned N’Dru hard right to face the opposite side of the board with the intent of either taking out Keyan or circling around to flank Wedge. The Scyks bolted forward toward the right side of the board to flank under the presumption that N’Dru would draw attention. James brought Keyan and the RSP slowly forward, and banked Wedge to the right.
I stutter-stepped N’Dru a bit to let the M3’s catch up to try to draw Keyan off od N’Dru, but it did not work and N’Dru got jammed on the upper right edge of the board between Keyan and Wedge who N’Dru had TL’ed. Wedge rolled 4 hits and N’Dru blanked the greens. The flowing round, Keyan was taken out by the Sycks as he attempted to turn around. Farlander did hurt one of the Scyks badly before he exited the battlefield though. Wedge banked and headed towards the left side of the board with two M3’s following as the third injured one engaged the RSP. Shieldless Wedge K-turned to joust. He fired range one at the lead Scyk; again 4-hits and the Scyk blanked…dead Scyk. The other M3 took Wedge out. The RSP, now with only two hull left, took out the Scyk that Farlander crippled.
The RSP, buried within the rocks, had one chance to engage my last Scyk (full health, the one without the Stealth Device), but a hard right turn to engage. I did not have the room to K-turn, so my plan was to block. I banked in, but was not sure if he did a two or a three-bank. If he two-banked, he would have a range 1-shot at me and I would not have arc. If he three-banked, then we would bump. I barrel rolled left to block the two-bank as I would have arc on him if he three-turned.
He three-turned, but just had my corner. At PS 6, he shot first with at range 1. Three hits, and I blank out and die.
0-1, MOV 75
Round 2: Brandon
Brandon brought:
Redline w/EM, Concussion Missiles and chips
Jax w/title, VBI, Stealth and AT
Fel w/title, PTL and Stealth
The rocks were spread from the left to right side, generally on the upper half of the board except of one in the lower left corner. I set up as in Round 1 with the TPV’s in the lower left, facing the right side of the board, and N’Dru on the right facing the opposite direction. Brandon set up Deathrain on the right-side of the middle of the board, and both Carnor and Fel on the upper right.
I turned N’Dru right again towards the action, and the TPV’s to the left to face the opposite side of the board. He rolled his ships forward slowly. The next round I slowed N’Dru down to control the first engagement and turned the Scyks around the rock in the corner towards the right side of the board, barrel rolling them towards the middle to flank Deathrain. Brandon brought Deathrain into just range three to TL N’Dru, and banked both interceptors to the left in between two asteroids.
At this point, I had him. I shot N’Dru full forward in between two rocks, closing the seam the interceptors were going to use. I slow rolled the TPV’s to keep them back, but flanking the hole between the three rocks his ships were about to get balled up between. He brought Deathrain up too fast and was now within range one of N’Dru…no missile shot. Fel came in to hit the seam and got blocked by N’Dru, and Jax rear-ended him, but out of arc of N’Dru. N’Dru dumped 7 seven damage into Deathrain, and one of the Scyks finished him off. The other two Scyks took two hull off of Soontir.
Soontir 3-turned into the lower right corner trying to avoid the fray, but I pulled two of the Scyks in behind him and finished him off. Jax pulled past towards the left side of the board as I brought the other Syck and N’Dru towards him and he did not last long either.
1-1, MOV 275
Round 3: Tyson
Tyson brought:
Garvin Dreis w/R2-D6, Flechette Torpedoes, Integrated and CS
Dutch Vander w/EM, Proton Torps, ABT and Chips
Horton Salm w/EM, Plasma Torps, R5-D8, ABT and Chips
Tyson is always a challenge for me because he flies Rebel Y-Wings very well. Torpedoes plus ABT means there is no safe range for me to chew through all of those hit points.
The obstacles were set up rather strangely, with 4 in a diagonal from the upper left to the lower right, and then the other two on either side. Tyson set up his ships in a box, with the X-wing in front, in the upper left. I set up my ships as before, but N’Dru on the left and the TPV’s on the right.
Tyson moved his ships forward slowly, as I turned the Sycks towards the opposite side of the board. N’Dru moved swiftly toward the right side of the board along the bottom edge. My plan was to try to draw Tyson as far down as possible, baiting him with N’Dru, as the M3’s run the upper side of the rocks, diagonally, turning in behind his formation. However, Tyson turned in early to fly down the opposite side of the diagonal towards my lower right. I had no choice but to turn in hard and engage at range one and try to take at least one of the ABT Y’s off the board quickly.
I blocked the gap in the rocks between his formation and my Scyks. I had left one of the three M3’s back and Tyson tried to bank Dreis to engage that one while the Y-wings engaged the other two. However, the X-wing landed on a rock, and his Y’s bumped the M3 blocker, losing any actions. Dreis’ shields were stripped by the backing M3, and I got some good damage into Dutch, but the return fire from the ABT put serious damage into the two M3’s. N’Dru was in the lower right corner trying to get turned around.
The M3’s and the Y-wings got past each other the next round with my blocker K-turning and the other doing a 2-bank (green) behind it. I tried to block Dreis onto the rock, but he K-turned behind the rear M3. Meanwhile, N’Dru was banking in behind Dreis. Horton took out the Scyk hiding behind the rock. Dreis was out of arc of N’Dru, so I instead sent the cluster missiles into Horton, taking him down to two hull. He was then taken out by one of the M3’s, while the other put damage into Dutch. The following round or two saw the remaining two Scyks and Dreis getting blown up, and Dutch moving towards the top center of the board with nothing but 4 hull left.
Dutch had to turn left based upon his trajectory. I had a shield left on N’Dru, so I tucked in right behind him and target-locked to try to kill him off. The plan was that all he could do in return is an ABT shot which would leave me one HP left and a sure kill shot the following round if it was necessary. Seemed like a sure thing.
It wasn’t.
I rolled and TL’ed hit-hit-crit-crit, but he managed to evade one. Neither of the crits were a Direct Hit (Blinded Pilot would also have been nice), so he would live another round and would get to shoot back with a TL’ed ABT. He rolled a crit and a blank, and re-rolled a second hit with his TL, but he chose not to re-roll the crit.
I blanked.
The crit was a Direct Hit and N’Dru was dead.
1-2, MOV 340
Round 4: Alex
Alex brought:
Kanan w/Adv. Sensors, TLT, Tactician, Recon Spec, Tactical Jammer and title
Ezra w/title, Rage & Chopper
Biggs w/ R4-D6
The rocks were spread apart, mostly on the upper half of the board with two along the right side, three along the left side, and one in the middle. Alex set up the Ghost in the upper right with Biggs next to him at an angle. I set up all for ships in a box in the lower left.
Alex opened by moving Kanan forward two or three and pulling Biggs in behind. I launched the M3’s full ahead, but turned the Z95 to the right along the bottom of the board. The next round Alex inched his formation forward 1. The Scyks turned in around the rock in the lower left corner, facing the right edge of the board and N’Dru shot forward at full speed in the same direction.
I expected Alex to bank towards N’Dru. Knowing that I could not likely get Kanan in range two for a missile shot without having to shoot at Biggs, I was hoping to pull in close enough to get Biggs at range 2 through Kanan and kill him off right-way. I three-banked in fast to close the gap. I inched the Sycks forward, and then barrel rolled them back trying to keep Kanan at range three such that Biggs could not be targeted. Alex decided to one-turn towards the Scyks, bumping Biggs into the back. N’Dru was forced to shoot at Biggs at range three with his primary and might have gotten one hit through. However, the Sycks had Kanan at range three and could not hit Biggs, taking off nearly all of his shields. Kanan’s return fire was ineffective.
Kanan inched forward one or two, with Biggs right behind. The Scyks banked towards Kanan, leaving one of them in his arc at range one (with focus and evade tokens). I K-turned N’Dru behind Biggs, stressing everyone out. N’dru took out Biggs with missiles. The Scyks got well into the Ghost’s hull with several crits. Kanan shot at the Scyk and missed. Then shot TLT at N’Dru causing one damage and stressing him even more.
The next round everyone just wanted to get away. Tactician had half of my ships with two stress tokens, and the other half with one. Kanan turned back towards the top of the board with N’Dru in pursuit. Two of my Scyks started to turn around while the third swung wide towards the bottom right corner. N’Dru put some more damage into Kanan, but Kanan took out N’Dru with a torpedo.
Alex turned the ghost right as it reached the top center of the mat, and then dumped the shuttle. One of the M3’s was flanking and continuing to pound in damage and crits. The other two cleared their stress well off to the left and were starting to return to the fight. Focus fire over two rounds from two Scyks took out Ezra on the same round the third Scyk downed Kanan.
2-2, MOV 518.
I put my stuff away figuring that the cut had been decided. The top two players at 3-0 were both going to make it in and I heard some banter about them taking an intentional draw, but they chose not to and played anyway. What mattered is that there were three people at 2-1, and the #3 ranked player got paired with the #5 ranked player such that neither the #5 nor the #4 could possibly consider an ID as they would not make the cut. They HAD to play, which also meant that if the 2-1 player playing down at 1-2 lost, then at least one 2-2 was going to make the cut on MOV. That, in fact happened, and I had 90 more MOV than anyone at 2-2.
Sooooo…on to the cut I go.
Top 4: Cody
Cody had:
Chopper w/Reinforced Deflectors, Proton Torps, EM, Kyle Katarn, Kanan Jarrus & Chips
Hera w/FCS, ABT, Nien Nunb & Han Solo
Cody was the only undefeated player, and finished 2 nd in the last SC with a similar list. The rocks were spread mostly along the right edge of the board, with one large in the middle, along the left side. Cody set Chopper up in roughly the middle of the board, and Hera on the right. I had N’Dru on the left corner, facing Cody’s side of the board, and the Scyks in the right corner doing the same.
Play started with Cody moving both of his ships forward three or four. N’Dru also shot ahead 4. I turned the Scyks left with a one-turn. The plan was to hit Chopper hard as I was a bit more concerned about how he would support Hera which was already going to be difficult to take down. If N’Dru could move in towards Chopper quickly, and the Scyks move in as well, I had hoped to pull Hera through the rocks and flank her when she was vulnerable.
I expected Cody to bank Chopper in towards N’Dru, so I countered with an aggressive three-right-turn to either be in close range to launch missiles, or bump. Instead, he did a one-turn towards the left edge. This left Chopper facing the left edge of the board, and N’Dru facing the right edge, with a rock between us. Chopper was in arc of N’Dru, but not the opposite. I think he lost a shield, but I held onto the target lock for the missile shot.
Hera banked towards the rocks as I had hoped. I banked two of the M3’s back to the right to prepare to engage, but I one-turned one of them back short of the near corner rock to either cut off Hera if she changed her course back, or to flank.
Things then got bad for Cody.
Chopper cannot turn back towards N’Dru without landing on the rock that separated them (he was stressed and all he could do was a two turn). So, Chopper turns away from N’Dru, I assume to try to line up a rear-firing torpedo. Instead, N’Dru two-turns back towards Chopper, just short of the rock. N’Dru lands 8 hits with the cluster missiles, but Chopper is only able to strip the shields off N’Dru.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the board, I move the stray Scyk forward two as Hera is impossible to block, and I want to keep as much range as possible. I one-turn one of the Scyks back to cut the seam of the near two rocks, and bank the other wide to spread my firing arcs depending upon what Hera committed to. Hera took the bait and 3-banked back towards the lower right corner, landing within millimeters of the Scyks, but on a rock. Hera lost her shields and could not return fire.
Then things got worse.
Chopper moves quickly towards the upper edge of the board. N’Dru blasts forward 4 to close the gap to avoid another torpedo, but takes one damage from the asteroid. He gives Chopper another 4 damage without any way for him to return fire.
I realize that it was going to take a turn or two for Hera to get turned around, so I intend on launching all of the M3’s towards the far edge of the board to get away from Hera and her ABT, and to finish off Chopper. Hera attempts to K-turn, but is about 1 millimeter off the board. No more Hera. The M3’s never made it back to Chopper before N’Dru finishes him off.
I felt really badly for Cody, but I feel that at the time Hera went off the map, the game was mine to loose. Hera was down to hull, or almost there, and only the Z95 had taken any damage.
Championship Round: Sterling
Sterling brought:
Omicron Group Pilot w/Palpatine
Vader w/title, VI, Prockets, ATC and Chips
Fel w/title, PTL, SD, AT
I wish that Sterling’s match prior to this had been recorded. My match with Cody got done early, and over the next 40-minutes or so, we witnessed a one-hull, PS 0 Soontir Fel single-handedly take out two TLT Y-wings and not get killed by the third before time ran out. One of the best matches I had ever seen with two very good players.
Another thing to note is that the last time I played Sterling was at a SC in January where he flew the same list, and I had a list with amongst other things, two Scyks and N’Dru. He charged across the board and took N’Dru out in one shot, and proceeded to wipe me off the board in about 15 minutes.
Obstacles were set up relatively loosely on my half of the board, relatively dense and more towards my left. Sterling put the Palp shuttle in the upper left corner on the diagonal. I placed the Scyks in the opposite corner, facing to my left. I then put N’Dru in the lower left, aimed at the shuttle. Sterling placed Fel and Vader to the left of the shuttle.
The shuttle did not move, and I fanned the Scyks out, one turning to the right upper corner to circle around and flank, the other two banked to moved down the seams in the obstacles. This time, I only sent N’Dru ahead one. Sterling, as last time, sent Vader and Soontir five straight, boosting Fel towards N’Dru and barrel rolling Vader in between N’Dru and the Shuttle.
The next round I had the Scyks moving around and down the seams as fast as they would go (which is not spectacularly fast BTW). N’Dru had a problem. I could not close enough to get past Vader or bump, but he had Prockets, so I did not want to get into range one. Soontir, meanwhile would be flanking. I decided to inch ahead one again and hope for the best. However, I got the same result. Vader blew off N’Dru’s shields, and Soontir blew him away at range one. The Scyks did not close in time, with only a single range three on Fel which was easily evaded.
I moved the lower and middle Scyk in to engage Vader as the third M3 rounded the middle of the board to drop in behind the shuttle. The shuttle banked towards the middle of the board, Fel turned around in the lower left corner, and Vader banked in to engage the Scyks. I think Vader lost his shields and took a crit, I think it was a Console Fire.
I tried to block Fel in the lower corner and missed as he squirted past to engage the Scyk behind it. Vader came flying in and barrel rolled to get in range one of the blocking Scyk, but used his second action to put out the Console Fire. The Shuttle flew forward to land just short of the second Scyk, opposite Fel, and the third Scyk came through the rocks behind the shuttle.
Fel and the shuttle did no damage, and Vader was able to pop the stealth device off the blocking Scyk. The third Scyk was continuing to fire into the back of the shuttle, but my dice were only yielding one hit per round for like 3-4 rounds in a row.
The shuttle then moved forward and blocked the rear Scyk as Vader K-turned behind and to the left of it. The blocking Scyk started to turn around, and the third Scyk finally arrived upon the scene in the rocks at the middle of the board. Fel came around the shuttle and barrel rolled into range one of the Scyk in the rocks. Once again, Fel and Soontir could not get any damage through, and my red dice were not doing much to the shuttle either.
The shuttle and the second Scyk continued to block each other, Vader banked in and bumped the shuttle as well. I one-turned/banked the other two Scyks to try to catch Soontir, but once again missed and he barrel rolled to get out of arc of one of them. Vader and Fel again achieved no damage, but the second Scyk ended Vader.
The shuttle and the second Scyk remained locked together as I K-turned one Scyk to engage Soontir or the shuttle, and short banked the other. Soontir turned into the K-turned Scyk and fired at range one. I blanked and one Scyk was gone. I think I might have finally gotten into hull on the shuttle by now.
The shuttle finally moved past the Scyk and the non-blocked one fell in behind it. Fel fell in behind the Scyk, and the other Scyk fell in behind Fel. The shuttle was about out of hull when Fel blew the shield off of the non-stealth Scyk and landed the crit that causes damage if you bump another ship. Sterling two-turned the shuttle onto a rock directly in front of the injured Scyk, killing it off. The shuttle was then destroyed by the sole remaining Scyk.
We were now left with a full health Soontir and a full health M3. We flew around for several rounds not accomplishing much. I finally found myself constrained by the asteroids with Soontir flanking. I knew I had nowhere to go, so I hoped I would survive. He landed four hits at range one, and I rolled three blanks and one evade.
Dead Scyk.
Game over.
Utah Region als
Two weeks later, I happened to be flying through Utah the same weekend that the Utah Regionals was held, so I took the same squad to see how it did in a larger tournament. They had 66 plays (5 byes), and wouldn’t you know it, I got the remaining Bye in the first round. Yay! Already 1-0! 150 MOV.
Round 2: Taylor.
Taylor brought BBBBZ.
Four of the rocks were lighted up along the left side of the board, with the other two in the right corners. Taylor set up in the upper right, and I set up in a box formation in the lower left.
I had practiced against crack swarms, so I was not too concerned going into this match, but I recall looking at 36 HP I was going to have to chew through in what was going to be only a bit over an hour as the clock was started as we were still getting set up. My plan was to peel N’Dru off along the lower edge of the board to pull his ships towards him and then flank with the Scyks coming through the rocks, two from the right, and one sneaking around behind.
The plan started to work, but I got N’Dru in such a position where Taylor was either going to bank into the Scyks or would have all five of his ships focus firing on N’Dru. Against my judgment, I banked N’Dru away from the swarm to try to pull Taylor further down the board so I could get a clean flank, but he did not take the bait, and banked in towards the Sycks. This left N’Dru out of position for the next 2-3 rounds while the Scyks were left to engage his entire fleet at the edge of the asteroids. It was a fur-ball, but I did a reasonably good job barrel rolling out of arcs, K-turning with the first ship and green-moving the rest to limit stress, and using N’Dru to push focus tokens through.
The match ended with two 1-health B-wings and a full health Z versus two full health Scyks. I spent the last round on getting my Scyks to line up a shot on one of the B’s, K-turning one and barrel rolling the other, so no modifiers. The dice were not there and I could not get a hit through. Time was called and I lost 44-46.
1-1, MOV 248
Round 3: Jake
Jake brought 5 green Squadron Pilots w/Crackshot, Autothrusters and Adaptability (Chihuahuas).
The Asteroids were set in a line along the right side of the board and across the top leaving the lower left 2/3 rd of the board empty. I set up in the lower right corner, again in a box formation, and Jake in the upper left. Jake blasted forward with the A-wings, and I did the same with the Scyks, but slow-rolled N’Dru to get some separation for N’Dru’s ability.
Jake turned in towards the rocks as I fanned the Scyks out along the upper right edge of the board, 1-turning and barrel rolling backwards to keep distance. N’Dru continued to putt along slowly.
Jake split the A-wings in two with three headed towards N’Dru and the other two towards the upper right corner to engage the Scyks. I traded one A-wing for N’Dru, but the two remaining used their crack. The other A-wings got balled-up in the rocks. The Mangler Cannons did work in this game at least two, if not three of his A-wings got killed by a Direct Hit crit. When time was called, Jake had a sign damaged A-Wing running away from two undamaged Scyks.
2-1, 379 MOV
Round 4: Tom
Tom had a Party Bus, Torpedo Scout, and VI Zuckuss.
The asteroids were well distributed across the board in this match. Tom placed his ships in the upper left, and I put my box formation in the lower right. Tom sent the bus along the top edge of the board, left-to-right, and the Jumpmaster and Zuckuss pulled forward and then turned in towards the middle of the board. My Scyks again blasted forward, and N’Dru banked left towards the middle of the board. The Sycks stayed in formation and turned hard into the middle of the board to address the torpedo scout. N’Dru Flanked from the lower center.
Concentrated fire from the Scyks and N’Dru took the Scout off in only 2-3 rounds where he only got one Torp off. He got jammed up pretty well with Zuckuss bumping into the back of the Scout while the Slaver slowly headed around the rock in the upper right corner. N’Dru pulled in behind the Slaver putting heavy damage into it before Zuckuss killed it off. When time was called, the Slaver had run to the far edge of the board with 5 face-up damage cards. Zuckuss had one HP left, 2-stress tokens, and a Blinded Pilot crit to clear, and I had a full-health Scyk range 2 behind him. One more round and I would have probably had a modified win. 4 more rounds and it would have been over. Such was not to be. Loss 51-73.
2-2, 457 MOV
Round 5: Ryan
Ryan brought the Palp Shuttle, the Inquisitor and Vader (I cannot remember which version of Vader).
Finally, something I had practiced against!
The obstacles where generally placed on my half of the board, with the exception of one in the upper left. He set his ships up in the usual fashion in the upper left corner. My Scyks were in the lower right, facing the left edge, and N’Dru was in the lower left corner. I hard-turned N’Dru to the left, and the Sckys full forward 4. Ryan send his ships full forward to engage N’Dru. The next round, Ryan again charged at N’Dru, but I turned him back towards the top of the board, catching Ryan off-guard. The Scyks 3-banked in towards the fight, just beyond range 2 of N’Dru. N’Dru survived a shot from Vader and dumps his missiles into the Inquisitor who was left with only 1 HP.
I then turned N’Dru back away again with a 2-turn, right to get him out of the fight. The Scyks set up to focus fire on Vader and the Shuttle. He hard-one turns the inquisitor to get him out of the fight as well and bumps the back of N’Dru. He also cut Vader back towards the lower right corner to get out of the focus fire, and brings the shuttle up the middle. The first Scyk kills off the token-less Inquisitor. The other two Scyks remove the shields from the shuttle. N’Dru starts running for the right side of the board with Vader in hot pursuit. The Scyks finish the shuttle off in the following round and turn to go hunt down Vader who was busy dispatching N’Dru. It took a while of dancing around before I was able to bump and shoot Vader down, but at least I finally did not go to time. 100-46.
3-2, 611 MOV.
Round 6: Skye
Skye brought Bossk w/VI, Mangler, 4LOM, Zuckuss and K4, and Dengar w/Torpedoes and Title.
With an eight-person cut, I did not think I would be able to make it with my MOV as only one person at 4-2 was going to get in. Just like the Anchorage regionals, you never know. Nobody ID’ed, which was nice.
The rocks were spread generally along the outside of the board, mostly on the right side. I set up in the lower right corner. Skye put Dengar in the top center and Bossk in the upper right, across from my Squad. I was more worried about getting Dengar off the board first as all I had to do was get one Scyk behind Bossk and it would be over for him. In doing so, I failed to consider just how dangerous Bossk was going to be to interceptors.
I banked the Scyks to the left slowly, but pushed N’Dru out farther trying to get to Dengar ASAP. Skye shot Bossk ahead full and inched Dengar ahead. I came around at Dengar from the left flank with N’Dru. I sent two of the three Scyks diagonally from lower right to upper left to back him up once the missiles were off, and cut the third Scyk back to the right board edge figuring Bossk would turn in so I could sneak behind him.
Skye did not bite. I did pull Dengar to the left to face N’Dru who got his missiles off and into Dengar’s hull, but I forgot about Dengar’s ability to shoot back, and when shot back, N’Dru was gone. Meanwhile, I learned how dangerous Bossk was when he one-shotted the sneaky Scyk using 4-LOM and Zuckuss to push 4-hits through with no means to defend against it. The two remaining Sckys finished off Dengar the following round, but Bossk had turned into the middle of the board to engage and one-shotted the second Scyk in the same fashion.
At this point, my last Scyk was facing Bossk at just beyond range 3. Bossk, had a stack of stress tokens courtesy of Zuckuss. Bossk was going to have to bank in towards the Scyk, and I did not feel that a hard 1-turn and barrel roll would keep him out of range if he 2-banked. Based upon the ship locations, I decided to shoot forward 4 (Scyks do not have a 5-forward…sigh) to block the 1- or 2-bank which was certainly coming. I could then easily K-turn behind him and pepper him until he was gone. I elected to focus for some reason even though it would not do me any good (barrel roll forward or TL would have made sense…but I blew it). Bossk did do the 1-forward, and missed the block by less than a millimeter. Dead Scyk. Loss 54-100
3-3, 665 MOV
They did not post the full final standings, but the 3-3’s started at 19 th place. Based upon my MOV and talking to others, I think I finished 21 st -24 th . The way things went, I feel I could have just as easily been 5-1 as 3-3, but it just did not work out that way.
I am finished with Scyks for now. I will still play them here and there, but there are some other parts of the game I want to focus upon. It has been fun working with this ship over the past 6-months trying to make something of it. I feel that while Mindlink makes them viable, in numbers, they are still a bit too expensive for the performance. They really need a means to get Autothrusters for the point-cost at which I have been using them. Honestly, it is the dial that needs work. A 1-forward or 5-forward would help a lot.