A remove from play Siegfried deck

By GoldenEXP, in UFS Deck Building

as the topic says^ any ideas?

I'm assuming you're using .Siegfried. from the SC Battle Pack, based on your thread title. His support from the BP works well, and if you add in Assassin, Undercover, Killer Bee, and Forgotten Memories from Cammy's support in SF06 (Fight for the Future), there's some more removed from game shenanigans to be had if you play life. That said, its hard to get an idea of what you're trying to do from a thread title alone. If you posted a deck list (which I would highly recommend doing in the future), we might be able to better help you.

For anybody else, here is the character card:


Guess Mystic would work for you off order, just incase you want to get back the cards removed from the game. Other than that, cammy is probably the only other char that wants to RFG their own stuff

so wat your saying is its not a good deck to make?

Its legacy, as in not currently standard block legal.

the current standard block is incredibly balanced and fun, most people are focusing on it.

Build and play whatever you and your friends enjoy, i am simply stating the above as a FYI.

BTW if you have no standard cards and are getting back into the game, FFG has boxes of the base sets (SW01 and SCIV01) for $25 a box, and $2 for starter decks.