So the start of my blog here and I guess I will start with my base painted Rogues and Villains
So the start of my blog here and I guess I will start with my base painted Rogues and Villains
And no kidding:
First Part of a Fantastic Paint Job is a Solid Base Coat....
cannot stress
how important it is to have a solid, well-applied base coat. Without it, you're honestly just turd-polishing.
You have achieved that, so you're on the way!
Generally, in 90% of my work, the next step is a Wash over the solid base coat.
This will involve a heavily watered down darker version of the base to run into the recesses... (A tiny half-drop of dishwashing liquid breaks the surface tension so it flows nicely).
Then, you can keep going from there...
So the moral is - Fantastic. This is the main difference between what you're presenting here, compared to some of the Ship painting earlier. The ship painting earlier was bold and all, but it lacked the consistency to really take it further
I was thinking of using nuln oil for most of the washes. I can also water down any of the paints.
These were all done with my airbrush so they are pretty water led down, just need to add a bit more maybe
I was thinking of using nuln oil for most of the washes. I can also water down any of the paints.
These were all done with my airbrush so they are pretty water led down, just need to add a bit more maybe
Nuln oil will be serviceable. If you want to go all out I would find the color matched wash and mix it 50/50 with Nuln oil for a better transition. But on small models it may not be worth it.
I have a bunch of Secret Weapon Miniatures washes that bit most of the colors. The hardest ones are the ones that are already dark, so the black brown, dark gray, and the hexes lichen (dark purple). They all washed well though
Huzzah mate! Glad to see you're going into it too, Ly-ly! Dras is right, a solid basecoat is a key aspect to painting. You can also pick out some accent colours if you want them to 'blend' with the colour wash but it won't look so distinct. This may be intentional depending on what look you're going with.
Suggestions when it comes to painting with base colours and washes, use a black or a deep brown wash for grey models, purple, black, or blue for blue models, brown for yellow models, black for green models. Wash them, let them dry, and drybrush the greebles with your base colour, like you were hauling them at a shipwright. Ergo, greeble-hauler. Anyhow, if you want to go a step further, find the shade just lighter than that, and apply it with the edge of the brush on the most prominent raised portions of the more 'smooth' models (like the jumpmaster, firespray, H6, HWK, and YV). leading edge of wings, top plates, etc.
Edited by VykesI washed the R&V's and did a lot of touch up work on my Imperial squadrons. . . So many panel lines. . .
Here are the Imperials. You should be able to tell the aces pretty easily. At least that is the goal.
Blood Stripes are a pain. . . Thankfully this will always shine like this since I painted the red base with GM's Blood for the Blood God technical paint.
Here you can see that Vader is always easy to spot, Mother has green panels, Howlrunner has purple panels and I gave Rhymer blue top panels that I glazed with Guilliman Blue several times.
Click bait title!!
They are pretty dang cool mate.
Click bait title!!
They are pretty dang cool mate.
Not really a click bait, I am fumbling at trying to paint.
Thank you! So much to do. . . So many models. . .
The flash reveals all! This is just the first step. From here I will be taping the ship up and adding some red to the ship. Then I will need to wash, dry brushing and recolor the engine glow.
Your fighters are turning out a helluva lot better than mine seem to be
Your fighters are turning out a helluva lot better than mine seem to be
bleh. . . they are a primer of black, a GW grey Dry paint dry brush and then adding black in the panel lines. They look good from a distance but up close one will see that the raised edges are not uniform and that they are not all the same shade since the black was rubbed off of some.
They are good for table quality but they are no Vyke or Dras Specials. There was a person on here who undoubtedly had the best painted squadrons but I can't find his thread. . . With the initial loss of the painting subforum all the threads are scattered. . .
The flash reveals all! This is just the first step. From here I will be taping the ship up and adding some red to the ship. Then I will need to wash, dry brushing and recolor the engine glow.
That is a sweet ISD! What color lighting are you thinking?
The flash reveals all! This is just the first step. From here I will be taping the ship up and adding some red to the ship. Then I will need to wash, dry brushing and recolor the engine glow.
That is a sweet ISD! What color lighting are you thinking?
I was going to go with a deep blue to bright blue for the engines. Thinking of using red for some markings and I was going to try out some more OSL on the hanger bays.
Sorry to hear man. Hope things go smoothly.