Any of you play TOMB?

By Frog, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Have any of you guys played TOMB? It seems like it might be a good alaternate for short dungeon-crawls when you can't get a Descent campaign together.

What do you like/dislike about it.

(I know they are way different and the only thing they have in common is dungeon-crawling)

IT is a totally different game from descent.

whipko said:

IT is a totally different game from descent.

If you've played it tell me the good and the bad.

I have played and enjoy...

Descent, Warhammer Quest, Hero Quest, Munchkin Quest, Talisman, and Runebound.

I have it. I love the game, but as mentioned, it's nothing like Descent. While Descent's core gameplay comes down to tactical combat, Tomb's comes down to strategic party management. All combat in Tomb is purely resolved by dice rolls; there are no concepts of range.

Tomb takes far less time to play than Descent, and is easier to set up, so it's great if you want something lighter. But it doesn't really have a 'dungeon crawl' feel to me, since the board layout(s) are static; there aren't tons of maps built from pieces. It's true that you don't know what to expect in each crypt, but that isn't the same to me.

Bottom line, I like it, but I feel it serves a very different purpose than Descent.

Veinman said:

I have it. I love the game, but as mentioned, it's nothing like Descent. While Descent's core gameplay comes down to tactical combat, Tomb's comes down to strategic party management. All combat in Tomb is purely resolved by dice rolls; there are no concepts of range.

Tomb takes far less time to play than Descent, and is easier to set up, so it's great if you want something lighter. But it doesn't really have a 'dungeon crawl' feel to me, since the board layout(s) are static; there aren't tons of maps built from pieces. It's true that you don't know what to expect in each crypt, but that isn't the same to me.

Bottom line, I like it, but I feel it serves a very different purpose than Descent.

What he said.

The pictures look like you can actually move around the crypt...yet are their any encounters or enemies in the halways of the crypts or just when you bust open the crypts?

There are possibilities for encounters in the halls, and even in the Inn where you recruit your party. These are rare though. The most drama that will happen in the halls usually is if another party sends a rogue to try to pickpocket someone in your group.

I do not have the new game, Cryptmaster yet. That may change things up a bit with respect to hallway encounters. And if it means anything to you, I asked for Cryptmaster for Christmas instead of Sea of Blood.

Veinman said:

And if it means anything to you, I asked for Cryptmaster for Christmas instead of Sea of Blood.

Coming from you that is crazy-talk. You have EVERYTHING Descent.

I think I am gonna have to get this game!

I'm sure you'll have fun with it! :)

I suppose I should qualify my statement about Sea of Blood... lately Descent has fallen out of favor with me because of the following reasons:

1. It's only fun with at least 3 people and it's been literally months since I could summon that many friends

2. It takes WAY too long for us, at least before we did a RtL campaign

3. We've only done one RtL campaign so I feel like I have a lot of game remaining there

4. I also have tons of vanilla quests, including the compendium that haven't been touched

5. The compendium is a buggy mess without the errata, and I suspect Sea of Blood will be similarly flawed.

I'll admit I sold my copy because it does not work that well solo(too easy and of course it was never designed for that anyway), but I sold it to friends who plan to learn to play it the right way so I'll actually got to play it as a tactical miniatures game and not have to be the Overlord.

Since you love the world and characters so much, you should buy Runebound. You can easily play it solo or co-op with your wife. And it plays really fast when you play it solo or 2-player. It's fast becoming my fave game. And it has all the characters and weapons you love from Descent.

But if you do get Sea of Blood, I'll gladly pay you $10(paypal) for the Nara figure and Runebound card. (Contact info in my signature)