Rebellion first game impressions and questions

By jocke01, in Star Wars: Rebellion

Hi everyone

Me and my playgroup just finished our first game last night and wow, was this a game. It even surpassed my expectations. The themes are amazingly put into the game, you can really do pretty much do anyhing that happens in the movies.

Boba Fett captured Han Solo near bespin. General Rieekan held out in a ground assault led by Vader with AT-AT's where the shield generator got destroyed but the rebels did managed to escape with the assignment card that let's you start a new base. The game almost came down to the last turn where the rebels only chance would be to use death star plans before the Death star destroys the new rebel base but the rebels just barely won the turn before thanks to a lucky opposed mission by Chewie.

The thing that hits me is that this was only our FIRST game. We haven't even gotten to play with the advanced rules yet. The design theme did a great job of working in all these theme missions and objectives and making them worth doing. It reminds me a little bit about the BSG boardgame (witch I like) where with all expansions you got so many things possible to add and do but even so there is so many things that are "must" do and everything else is good if you have the time but you rarely do. It's possible I will get the same feeling after a couple more games but everything seems worth doing unless you are 1-2 turns away from someone possible winning.

The game also takes things from Twilight Imperium with the leader moving units is pretty much copy pasted from TI with activating systems and locking the units from double moving. The ships combat is pretty much the same but a bit simplified and faster or at least it feels faster thanks to the simple but good rules about combat. The space and ground happening at the same time is very cool but the dice systems is a little clunky with 3 different symbols and different coloured hp but if you are used to other FFG Star wars games you get into fairly quickly and it does makes players build balanced fleets and ground forces witch is fun.

When it comes to the diffrent factions they got it right once again. The Empire is wastly superior with usually outnumbering our rebel units on the board with at least 3 to 1 and several times way more. The rebels have alot of secret powers though with the hidden base, ticking clock and objective cards. You have to really use diversion tactics and plan small strikes and poorly defended worlds or hit and run strikes. The Empire can easily counquer the entire galaxy given enough time but that's the only thing they don't have. They have to supress the rebels, stop assignments and spread out to find the base. It feels like the harder faction to play but you get alot more powerful tools to use.

We played our first game with 4 players and the splitting up of roles is very simmilar to the Queen's gambit star wars game where one player takes one deck and units and vice versa. I was sceptical to 4 players but it worked fine and it helped to have a second person that can figure out plans and strategy. I do see the problem of new players being steamrolled by a veteran player that will dominate both rolls like in alot of co-op games. But if you have a group of 4 players that will regularly play it's fine.

So if you have a group that likes BSG or Twilight Imp I say this game is perfect game to buy or if you are even a little bit a star wars fan, it hits the themes very good.

I do have some questions that came up in our first game.

- We checked in both rules booklets and the way we read it you can attempt multiple assignments/missions in the same system even though you already have freindly leaders there?, The leaders will block movement but we didn't found anything that said only one leader in a system at a time for missions.

- First we found capturing leader to be a bit too powerful but as the game went on the imperials really need to have a rebel leader captured since they need action advantage to move all the fleets they might have. But with lure of the darkside and capture leader, if they happens early, do the rebels even have a chance?

- The empire feels like it's almost need another way to win than just the rebel base. The evacuation starting missions that is both repeatable and a resolve card seem to be able to save the rebels very easily unless the empire find the rebel base with the death star or a massive force. While the rebels win on time and every objective card is just a bonus. Do the rebels win often in your games?

-Can structures win battles?, for example we had a fight where it was 1 stormtrooper left vs a shield generator, now the trooper would eventually kill the generator but the generator did draw a card every turn so eventually i drew a deal 1 dmg card and won. Can structures be alone at a planet and win combats?

- Finally what if there is 1 x-wing vs 1 death star in a system with 2 ion cannons? The ion cannons nullify all dice the death star have but it cannot retreat. The X-wing can't dmg the death star but it cannot die. Does the game sit still like that untill the rebel players retreats or is the game broken at that point :P

Sorry for the long post but man is this one amazing game. Gj FFG, this one is a game I will enjoy play for many years to come.

1. You're right, there's no reason you can't do multiple missions in the same system. This can be a good thing, because it allows you to stack symbols for later missions. All present leaders contribute their symbols to the roll, so for example if you use Mon Mothma's starting action card to put Utapau's ships on the build queue and then assign Leia to Utapau with Build Alliance, you'd be rolling 5 dice (3+2), if the Empire even bothers to oppose that.

2. Yes, the Rebels still have a chance with leader disparity. The game is practically designed with Rebel leader disparity in mind, since the Empire has so much chance to capture. The trick with the Rebels is that you need to figure out if rescuing that leader is going to be worth the investment it will take, whether that's a couple leaders this turn, or sending in the fleet to take out the Imperial presence in the system. Sometimes it's worth it, sometimes you just let it go.

3. Structures cannot win battles. As soon as there are no other Rebel ground units left in a battle, structures are immediately destroyed and the Empire wins the battle. Structures can be destroyed early if it's important to your strategy, but often they're just left alone and the rest of the enemies are taken out.

4. The Rebels are forced to retreat, unless they have the Death Star Plans objective (since they can then destroy the DS). If the Rebels don't have a leader there allowing them to retreat, then I believe their ships are automatically destroyed.

3. Structures cannot win battles. As soon as there are no other Rebel ground units left in a battle, structures are immediately destroyed and the Empire wins the battle. Structures can be destroyed early if it's important to your strategy, but often they're just left alone and the rest of the enemies are taken out.

4. The Rebels are forced to retreat, unless they have the Death Star Plans objective (since they can then destroy the DS). If the Rebels don't have a leader there allowing them to retreat, then I believe their ships are automatically destroyed.

On number 3. Where is the rules for structures being destroyd when no other gorund units are left?. According to the rules reference shield generators and ion cannons are ground units. I just want to know where in the rules this is specified.

On number 4 I agree that the rebel have to retreat otherswise the game just stands still. But just in the small chance that this scenario will happen and the rebels have no leader in the system. The X-wing cannot retreat and cannot die at that point, this could of course be faq and only the most extreme rule lawyer would need too get it faq:ed

Edited by jocke01

Page 4 of the RR:

If the only remaining Rebel ground units are structures and there are still Imperial ground units in the system, the structures are destroyed.

The other one was answered by the developer of the game and is expected in the faq.