a few questions for RTL

By Lord Loren Soth, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

hello, here a few questions that arose last friday

# 1 sorcery vs ironskin, the sorcery can be used against ironskin for +1 range instead of damage(because ironskin render the miniature immune to the sorcery effects)

# 2 visiting a temple for wound recovery (visit) can the hero pay more than 25 gold to heal more?(if iremember correctly e cannot spend more than 25 a turn)

# 3 what happen if the party exit the portal gate on a level and a party member die? does he start on next level or must spawn on a glyph and exit the portal to play with the others the next level?

thanks a lot for your replies

Lord Loren Soth said:

hello, here a few questions that arose last friday

# 1 sorcery vs ironskin, the sorcery can be used against ironskin for +1 range instead of damage(because ironskin render the miniature immune to the sorcery effects)

# 2 visiting a temple for wound recovery (visit) can the hero pay more than 25 gold to heal more?(if iremember correctly e cannot spend more than 25 a turn)

# 3 what happen if the party exit the portal gate on a level and a party member die? does he start on next level or must spawn on a glyph and exit the portal to play with the others the next level?

thanks a lot for your replies

1) After a massive 10 page discussion on this, there is now a FAQ answer. Unfortunately the FAQ answer is screwed up slightly by an obvious misprint.
FAQ pg2
Sorcery versus Ironskin
Sorcery may not add damage to any attack that includes a figure with Ironskin. It may add range to the attack, but not Sorcery*. Yes, Laurel can get around this. The damage immunity granted by Ironskin does extend to all figures affected by an attack that includes a model with Ironskin.
*This word should probably be 'Damage' rather than 'Sorcery'.
** Ironically, after 10 pages of discourse, about the only thing generally agreed upon by all sides was that Ironskin's immunity did not extend to any other figures. Then there is this strange part of the FAQ ruling that goes against the only thing unanimously agreed... ....wierd, but thats the way it is right now at least.
In summary, yes.

2) Not in one turn. Yes the hero can pay more in total by doing several visits (restocks during a dungeon), but each visit/restock costs exactly 1 turn and 25 gold. You can not visit, pay 25X gold and heal (temple value)X wounds in one turn.
The language used on pg 22 to describe visit/restock actions does not give any option of doing this multiple times in a single turn. Further, allowing multiple visit/restocks in a single turn would make the Train circumstance in a temple virtually pointless.

3) Only one member of the party is required to exit the portal. As soon as at least one member of the party exits the portal and all other members of the party are either also in the portal or in town, the dungeon level ends and the next level begins.
RtL pg18
...Heroes remain thusly in transit until all of them either enter the portal or move to town, at which point all of the heroes are moved to the next level.