Funny thoughts that happe while you're reading a deathwatch book while the news is playing in the background.

By Professor Tanhauser, in Deathwatch

it's late, I'm up, I'm alone and what the hell, i feel like sharing something that just happened. I was reading the achilus assault, which may be te last DW book I can get due to life firing another torpedo salvo at me, and the news about the brexit was playing in the background.

I couldn't help thinking of something like that happening in the 40k universe.

A planet decided to vote on leaving the imperium. despite heavy opposition, as in everyone publicly mentioning it being immediately killed by imperial forces,people keep talking about it. Even when whole neighborhoods are firebombed to ashes because an assemble of people were discussing leavig the imperium the movement grows.

The imperium runs a counter experial exit campaign simply stating to leave the imperium is to invite certain and instant death, the issue remains a major topic, no matter how fast imperial forces kill anyone speaking in favor of it.

Finally, a vote is head despite the imperium's airstrikes against any and all suspected polling places. The underground announces that the vote is to exit the imperium.

The former imperial governor repeats that to leave the imperium is to die immediately, and the people respond with "Life in the imperium sucks so much we'd rather be dead anyway." Open insurrection breaks out as all imperial forces come under assault by citizens demanding the imperium respect their wish to exit.

The planet is not particularly important or valuable, not strategically located, etc, it is determined that it would cost more than the planet is worth to quell the rebellion.

So the imperium agrees to respect the people's wish to leave the imperium despite the certainty of immediate death. Former governor Darias Von Scwarzwald takes it is good stride, even wishing he population well in their 3 or so minutes of independence between the departure of the last shuttle full of imperial forces and the arrival of the first virus bombs.

Boy, and people are saying leaving the EU is gonna be tough on great britain... ;)

Just having a little laugh, hope no one is offended. I like 40k for some reason despite never wanting to live in it but even i find the setting parody worthy at times.

The first time I was leafing through my copy of the Deathwatch core book, the Farcry film was on. And it was ridiculously awful.

This sentence resonated with me: has become a hazy, illogical nightmare, where his grasp on reality is shifting and tenuous, a fever dream from which he cannot awake.

I constantly have to refrain from making homebrew chapters based on Transformes/ other 80's toylines.