4 player reviews?

By Darksyde, in Warhammer Quest: The Adventure Card Game

I just started looking in to this game and so far it sounds fun. The one thing I found though is that every review/playthrough I could find is only 2 player at most if not solo play.

How have people found the 2 player vs 4 player experience? From the sounds of it 4 player is equal parts more fun and more difficult.

How have people found the 2 player vs 4 player experience? From the sounds of it 4 player is equal parts more fun and more difficult.

4 player is a fair bit easier than 2 player.

I just started looking in to this game and so far it sounds fun. The one thing I found though is that every review/playthrough I could find is only 2 player at most if not solo play.

How have people found the 2 player vs 4 player experience? From the sounds of it 4 player is equal parts more fun and more difficult.

From what I've seen two player looks way harder than four (I always play four heroes regardless, it's not too hard) since the number of enemies you can be engaged with doesn't scale.

Playing with four players is much more fun, but that should go without saying. Playing with four heroes, on the other hand, is actually significantly easier than playing with 2 or 3. There are a couple of reasons for this:

1) Enemy engagement. With 4 heroes, you can have up to 12 enemies engaged with the heroes before the old "spawn, inflict damage, go to shadows" thing happens. Granted, if you have 12 enemies engaged with your heroes, things probably aren't going too well for you, but it definitely helps in a lot of scenarios. Say the ironbreaker is loaded up with three enemies, with 4 heroes the warrior priest can grab some aggro and keep enemies off the ranged characters, who can then clean up the mobs. In a two hero game the overflow goes to the other hero, no matter what, you don't really have any choice in the matter.

2) Action diversity. You have 4 actions per hero turn no matter what. The difference is, in a 4 hero game you can fire off three or four of the same action if you want. In a two hero game you can only use (as an example) explore or aid twice in a turn. In a four hero game you can (with planning) fire off 4 explores (or attacks) in a row, which is extremely helpful, particularly when you get to the last location in quest one.

3) Options. In a two hero game you need to use your refresh action pretty regularly. You are exhausting two actions a turn, so at least one hero needs to use their refresh action every other turn. I think the Witch Hunter may actually like this setup, as they can surgically choose a single action to be powered up each turn, but all the other heroes like choices and don't like to be hamstrung.

4) Overall scaling. Simply put, despite the higher health values, the game doesn't really scale to less heroes. Playing with less than 4 heroes is actually the "difficulty level" of the game. 4 heroes is normal (still difficult, mind you), 3 is hard, 2 is even harder (and you are even more at the mercy of lady luck).

In my experience playing with four heroes is actually harder. Since they all start with lower amount of health prey effects things in much more chaotic way. It might not be so easy to optimize the actions since each player also has their own opinion.