I Wrote an Adventure Module, Interested in Playtesting and Feedback

By FoeHammer618, in Game Masters

This is my first crack at making a module and for the classic gamers out there, yes this is loosely based on the video game Crimson Skies: The High Road to Revenge. I had a ton of fun playing that game and thought it would make a great edge campaign.

The module itself is 3 acts and 101 pages (including rules, table of contents, npc stats, etc.) It is designed to work with some pretty generated characters included but doesn't need to and is designed to fit in any Edge Game.

I am looking for any and all feedback and appreciate any help you would be willing to provide to refine this game. Link below.


Can you convert it to PDF or .doc?

Before I comment, are you invested in making any changes based on strongly-suggested ideas in line with:

* (re)Formatting tables to look more like FFG tables in existing rule books and adventures?

* Adding any art, especially MAPS?

* Building on film-noir elements, suggesting stronger Skullduggery and general subterfuge skills?

* Adding/changing NPC careers, to (probably) include more Shadows?

* Scaling the adventure for beginning characters, including the pre-generated ones?

Thanks in advance! I'm impressed with the body of work and think this will work well for an Edge of Empire or Age of Rebellion game; I hesitate to rule-out Force and Destiny, only because there is nothing outstanding in this adventure that seemingly specifically NEEDS a Force-user.

I am currently working on converting to open office and adding in the actual characters for FFG dice. I have made some changes based on PMs and highlighted them in cyan.

In response to cimmerianthief:

I would be interested in changing the tables to be more FFG friendly someday, at present I'm working on getting the nuts and bolts worked out and often update this on my lunch break which is why it is very crude at the moment.

I am not currently working on any maps as I 1) rarely use them in my FFG games and play over Skype on most occasions and 2) have little artistic talent to speak of but I would not be opposed to adding in maps others may wish to contribute. It would be nice to have art for the NPCs and outsides of the locations but again, no real talent for it on my end.

I would definitely take more suggestions for additional uses of skills and talents, I've already made the game more face friendly after some feedback and the more options I can write in the better.

There is a smuggler/thief in the pregens and I definitely want to keep the module-as-written to Edge of the empire (although I have no problems with an age or force party running this it just makes for easier bookkeeping.) I'm definitely not that attached to any of the pregens and added them in for simplicity but of course if you want to run this for an all-jedi all-shadow party then go for it!

I'll include a paragraph about this but the encounters are definitely salt to taste and I never had a problem with the difficulty for my beginning pc's in my first run-through, did you have different results?

Thank you! Like I said FnD and AoR are definitely not off limits, I just thought this adventure fit EotE better since it has to do with smuggling, ship flying and barfights.

Edited by FoeHammer618

I put out the latest version in word and PDF format and included EotE symbols and a few changes. Thanks for all the feedback, feel free to keep it coming!

Okay, so for Spark of Rebellion, I had about 100 comments that I came up with for a 90 page document. And that was for something that they felt was close to being ready to go be made into a real book.

I’m happy to give you a few suggestions, but I’m not sure how far you want me to nit-pick the thing to death.

If you can give me an idea of what kinds of suggestions you are/are not looking for, that will help.

Well spark of rebellion was a team effort and I'm one dude so feel free to nitpick but I think I'm mostly looking for high level criticism of gm style and theme of the campaign rather than specific stat suggestions.

I'm open to whatever you have to say but I also have a full time job and may not be able to edit in every suggestionight (at least in a timely manner.)

Well spark of rebellion was a team effort and I'm one dude so feel free to nitpick but I think I'm mostly looking for high level criticism of gm style and theme of the campaign rather than specific stat suggestions.

So, for SoR, most of my comments were about mis-spellings, typographical conventions, things like dice symbols not having proper borders around them (e.g., so that a yellow symbol on white paper is much easier to see), and so on.

I haven’t had much in the way of commentary on higher level/more strategic sorts of things like you appear to be looking for.

I enjoyed playing Crimson Skies on Xbox. I'll read this and try to incorporate this into my current campaign.