So, I'm on a ridiculous dry spell. I'm 3 and 14 of my last 17 games with two of those w's being drops. I attribute about 8 of those losses to testing a triple T-70/2xT-70 Sabine list that just can't hang vs Dengar or Defenders. The other 6 though are with different builds that I'm typically strong with, and are typically strong vs the meta. And of the three wins, my dice were to blame for the one that wasn't a drop, the greens were actually working (anyone I've played on vassal lately can attest that my reds have done well, but my greens seem a little more fickle than usual). I've used lady luck and some more than a couple games my greens betrayed me but nothing more than regular variance really.
This was a change to my regular win/loss ratio after about a month of playing DENGAROO almost exclusively. With that I won about two for every one I lost. So, it could be that I've moved from a powerhouse build to something else. Also, when I do go back and play DENGAROO people seem to have figured out it's tricks and how to fight it so that it's just not as effective as it once was.
Anyone got a method to break the funk?
Lists I've been using lately: