Cult town rolling plains in die.

By AARONZEA, in Runebound


Did the cult town story quest.

The one that says that I need to roll a die.

If I roll plains, I get 2 damage and I need to keep rolling until I get no plains.

Question: my second time rolling I got a half plains half hill result.

I was not sure and checked the rules reference but still not clear on it.

Decided to consider that roll as a hill and did not take further damage and stopped rolling.

Did I play it currently?

Thanks in advance.

Can you post the text of the card? I'm pretty sure it's the other way around: your result is plains + hills, thus plains is rolled, and you have to roll something different than plains to avoid the health loss. One thing is the result you roll, and another one is spending said result. Rolling plains + hills allows you to choose whether to spend the die as plains or hills, but actually you rolled both results.

Yes. I did roll plains+ hill.

And the card says that if I roll plains I suffer 2 damage and keep rolling and suffering damage until i stop rolling plains.

Julia. Your answer is reasonable. I'll continue rolling.

I'm sending the question back to FFG just in case.

Thank you.

Yup, let us know!

Your question is covered by the rulebook. See "terrain dice" in the reference book. "Some sides of the dice have multiple terrain symbols. Only one terrain symbol can be matched from each dice rolled. "

If you roll plain/hill, then you pick the plain, and there is no hill. It's the same as the wild symbol. That produces one of your choice and not one of each type.

Edited by moppers

Yes, but the original question was "may I pick hills and ignore plains, thus saving myself from constantly taking damage?"

Yes, but the original question was "may I pick hills and ignore plains, thus saving myself from constantly taking damage?"

If you roll the terrain dice and it has two symbols, then you pick one of the symbols, and the other one was not rolled. You do not HAVE to pick the plain. That was an example I gave to try to explain how the rule worked.

It's in the *other* rulebook (the reference guide) in the section "Terrain Dice" which is page 13 if you have the English one.

Actually almost all of the questions here are in the reference guide somewhere.

Thank you both for the input.

Yes. I'm aware of the rulebooks.

I still felt that situation in particular needed clarification. No worries, though. That game has finished and I'm waiting for FFG's response.

I don't understand how you can interpret it any other way

If I roll plains, I get 2 damage and I need to keep rolling until I get no plains. Question: my second time rolling I got a half plains half hill result.

So you choose the hill, and you have no plains.

What's unclear?

Edited by moppers

Relax, mate.

I've already said that I felt in this situation I needed clarification.

My die roll included a plain.

I know I can choose a hill. Actually, I chose a hill and stopped taking damage.

But in the back of my mind I kept thinking that my die result included a plain as well.

That's why I asked and now I am waiting for FFG's response. Until then, I am choosing to play it the hard way and keep taking damage until my die does not show any plains whatsoever.

Thanks again for the input.

What would you do if you rolled a wild?

I think that's a good question.

Since I cannot see any green plains, I would say I have not rolled a plains.

Still waiting for FFG's response.

On 6/26/2016 at 1:54 PM, moppers said:

Your question is covered by the rulebook. See "terrain dice" in the reference book. "Some sides of the dice have multiple terrain symbols. Only one terrain symbol can be matched from each dice rolled. "

If you roll plain/hill, then you pick the plain, and there is no hill. It's the same as the wild symbol. That produces one of your choice and not one of each type.

(I know this is a huge thread necro, but I ran across this while googling another card and needed to set it straight for posterity)

The statement above is completely wrong. The emboldened part of the quote, " Only one terrain symbol can be matched from each dice rolled", is referring to the fact that you cannot match more than one symbol of a single die simultaneously . It has nothing to do with the original question asked by OP. The answer to that question would be on the same page mentioned above (pg. 13, Terrain Dice), directly underneath it:

  • A player cannot choose to have the wild symbol not match all terrain symbols; e.g., if a player takes 3 damage if he or she rolls a mountain, then rolling a wild will deal the player 3 damage.

It's pretty safe to say that this same ruling would apply in OP's situation for the dual-sided faces of the die as well, and rolling a Hill/Plains combo would indeed count as a plain. Thus, he takes damage from the Cult Town.