Intel Officer

By jpersons73, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

So a little clerification for the Intel officer.

1. Roll attack dice
2. Exhaust intel Officer
3. This is the spot I am confused on. If the defender say has 2 redirects do I have to select one of redirect token. Or just say intel officer selects Redirect and any redirect token used is then discarded?

You select a specific token, so in the example you gave the defender can use the non-Intel Officer redirect token.

You select a specific token, so in the example you gave the defender can use the non-Intel Officer redirect token.

ok we was doing it correctly then. Question came up and I was like a deer in head lights.

This is where you choose the fresh one and either leave the exhausted one alone or accuracy he extra one (works on the exhausted one as well).

Intel Officer is an art form ^_^