Hunters of the Aturi Cluster- Imperial mission playtesting and design

By Rakaydos, in X-Wing

How many missions are available to play at the mo and has the first post been updated with the altered info in the thread. Has the first mission link been updated with the updates in the thread as well please.

I fancy giving the missions that are available a go but not quite sure what is the latest.


I stopped working on new missions to rework the AI, then real life caught up with me.

I'm about 75% done with an update for Final Exam (ships and spawn), then I need to do AI for Z95, HWK, and the freighters, then I can really start to get going on mission design.

Thanks for the update, when you have the AI sorted, if there is a mission arc you would like to farm out I can put a draft set of missions ready to playtest if you like. Just let me know.

Vassal playtest, Now.

Room called Hunters of the Aturi cluster playtest.

New version, updated AI. Lets go.

Well, that didnt go anywhere. Perhaps next time I can be less improv.

Who's got vassal and willing to help test?

Apparently i cannot post images yet, so here is a pinterest link - i hope that is allowed... -

My version of the T-65 AI. Not changed a lot, so hope it is useful to you. Working on the others. This is for my version of Hunters going to be called "Empire in the Autari Cluster" for a worse acronym, which will have more player controlled Tie/Ln, and controlling AI Ties (some mission arcs will be very Tie/Ln heavy). Let me know if you want any changes.

Liking the Hunters BTW, good luck with testing.

Rights for the backgroun image are owned by the creator of the AWESOME Heroes of he Autari Cluster.

Edited by Isildurs8

Darn forgot to add the stats... Will edit and add at some point...

Rakaydos, I also have worked on some missions a bit, slightly different take in that you start with a tie and upgrade to better ships as PS rises. Some other ideas too, thought you and others might fancy a look.

I've made a set of EPT Upgrade cards for all the Imperial Pilot abilities for HotAC use. They're pretty straightforward, the one thing you may notice is there are two versions of Tetran Cowall and Krassis Trelix. One version of Tetran's card (Cartwheel) has the standard PS value and cost based on the actual pilot card, the other has the cost reduced to bring it in line with Countess Ryad's much better and lower priced ability.

Krassis's ability is essentially predator for secondary weapons, but it costs 7 points. I changed it on the alt version to actually be useful making it force your opponent to reroll a defense die instead.

I tried to post pictures, I always get an error about file extensions on this forum unfortunately. Here's the link (Use this for printer quality files):


I'm thinking of reviving this project, with the approaching arrival of the Guboat to round out the ship choices.

To be true to form for the old Tie Fighter missions, though, i need AI for "Neutral shipping."

These ships should normally travel at moderate speed from (random arrival point) to (random destination point), unless scanned and "Rebel cargo" is revealed, (which may trigger rebel reinforcements) where they may start fighting back.

Other missions may have certian neutral shipping try to escape off a board edge unless disabled, like the HotAC "Capture Imperial Officer" mission.

Also, does anyone have a handly link to compiled Rebel and Pirate AI charts, for opposition?

This was posted over a year ago in the "Villians of the Aturi Cluster" brainstorming thread. In a campaign situation, where points dont matter, I was looking at relative power of the different ships (and different ship varients) to pick a Tier to balance players by.

As I recall, I chose the Yellow/green/blue range, which pretty much covers arcdodgers in yellow, jousters in green, and support ships in blue tiers.

I need to add the actual Tie Aggressor to this tier list now that I dont need to use the Tie SF for that role. When the Gunboat's details are revealed we can look at it too, though the Os-1 missileboat title will probably be banned for the same reason the Kwing is- too many 4+ die attacks, particularly if they can be done off a slam.

For a potential Hunters revival, not everything on this list will be playable. I'm leaning toward mandatory "half ship" PS1 tie fighter starts, upgrading into "real" ships at PS2. Say, Intercepter, Bomber, Tie shuttle (bomber title), Tie Aggressor (turret), and Gunboat. Possibly ALL of them, with you being able to keep your EPTs when switching between them on a mission by mission basis, though that may be too powerful. Then at PS being able to buy access to other ships like Hotac... but you can always fly your old ships.

Proposed Imperial ship Tier list: (fully loaded)

Tie Phantom (ACD vs lower PS)

Royal Guard Intercepter

Defender X7

Defender Tie/D

Tie Inquisitor (v1)

Tie Phantom (HOTAC style autocloak at PS0)

Tie Punisher

Double (2x) Tie Fighter

Tie Bomber

Tie Punisher (minus 1 Elite slot)

Tie Advance (x1)

Defender (no title)

Tie FO

Lambada shuttle

Tie Shuttle

Tie Phantom (vs higher PS Ace)

Tie Phantom (no ACD)

Tie Fighter
