My First Tourney/Battle Report! 3-1!!!!

By BothanPride, in X-Wing Battle Reports

Here it goes. Im a dad. dont have time to play as much as id like, but i got to play at the fathers day tournament at my local game shop. after play testing, i decided to run

Kyle Katarn: TLT, Rec Spec, Moldy Crow

Kanan Jarrus: FCS, Dorsal Turret, Recon Spec, Jan Ors, Ghost Title

Zeb Orrelios: Phantom Title

99 pts

Simple strategy: Fly kyle and kanan close, use action economy efficiently to keep ghost alive while mowing people down. Kyle for support and plinking at range 3 anything getting outside of range of ghost. a moving fortress if you will.

Round 1

Michael (Finished 5th)

List: Imperial bombers - Jonus + Ordinance, Redline + Ordinance, Vader

I WAS SO NERVOUS I WAS LITERALLY SHAKING! Luckily, I prepared well and set up was a breeze. I placed rocks just how i practiced. I set up in the left corner with kanan & kyle facing straight. The plan was to get to the rocks first, Jam up the lanes w/kanan and shoot stuff to pieces. Michael played directly into this and I burned him down in 5 rounds.

Won 100-0

Round 2

Mathew (Finished 10th)

List: Rebel Aces - Jake, Corran & Poe

Round 2 got off to a rocky a start (pun intended)! My approach was the same as in round 1. I ended up getting so close to a rock in front of me that i could only bank left. Oddly, it worked in my favor as he became really aggressive and put all of his ships in range 1-2 of my ships....the rest of the entire match. getting close to time and poe having 1 hull, he conceded. Second game in first tournament, Second win! I cant believe it!

Won 100-0

Round 3

Blake ( Finished 1st)

Palp Aces - Wampa, OL, Black Sq., Palp shuttle

No suspense here, I lost! I was out-flown, out strategized and destroyed! This is also the game I learned the most from. The first thing i learned was to rearrange my rocks. I was setting my first rock to high up on the board. he smartly placed a rock as close as he legally could on top of it. This caused me to have a really awkward approach. I had to take a stress and do a 1 hard to even have shots on the first confrontation. Losing my actions was crucial! The second thing i learned was to remember pilot skill the entire match! I got blocked in the rocks and got owned by the imps.

Lost 100-28

Round 4

TJ (Finished 7th)

Rebels: regen miranda, Jake w/prockets, 2 z's

For starters, I played this guy awhile back when i was first starting out. I was flying someething i had never flown before and he was flying his tournament list. He creamed me and acted like he had just won nationals (it was casual). He we was a jerk.

He played the exact same list as he did in that casual match. I was salivating and licking my chops because i am a very different xwing player now! Learning from my last match, I set up my rocks to give me the advantage. I approached with almost all of his ships in arc, no stress, and many beneficial maneuvers for the next few turns. Like the first match, I forced him int jousting in the rocks. 4 turns later there was only miranda. she didnt stand a chance. I BASKED IN THE GLORIOUS VICTORY AS I TLT'D HER TO DEATH - shout out to Kyle Katarn!!!

Won 100-0

Final Thoughts

I had so much fun! i would say i didnt do bad for my first tournament! I did some things well, but there is still a lot i can learn! I really like my build although i never really used Jan Ors. I may switch her out for another rec spec to increase the usage of kanans ability. I need to remember to take my target locks from FCS. I love this game! and I got store credit so i got a jumpmaster and a G1A starfighter!


After re-reading this it sounds really arrogant. that was in no way my intention. i certainly didnt act this way at the tournament. I was just excited to do well because i literally thought i would win ZERO games. so please keep that in mind when you read it.


For what it matters, your report didn't appear arrogant to me,

What does puzzles me is that you mention several times how clever asteroid placement got you off to a good start.

As a new player i'm really interested in learning more about this, because right now i just drop them randomly across the board :blink:

kind regards

Well, lol, all i know is that small ships love big rocks and big ships love small rocks. Since i was flying a large base ship i chose the 3 smallest rocks. most of my opponents brought large rocks. so upon set up I would take one of their large rocks and place it at range 2 from my starting side and range 2 from the edge of the board. depending on where my opponent place a rock i tried my best to place my second rock far enough away that my ghost could fit, but not much else. i place my third rock as far away from my starting side of the board, so basically in the opposite corner. What this did was create lanes for my ghost to fly diagonally across the board.

So turn I i go 3 straight, turn 2 i bank or hard turn at speed 2. This allows me to face the whole entire board and have as many of my enemy's ship in arc as possible. if i get to the rocks first i slow play it and force his ships to come to me. if he beats me I fly past them to utilize my rear arc. after thee first couple rounds of shots I either do a really slow turn around or a 5k to return to the fight. hope that helps! the biggest thing i did was practice. i would figure out the best way to approach combat, then see how placing rocks could help. think about where you want to be on the board. dont place rocks there lol

Edited by BothanPride

Congratulations. I'm glad you got your revenge. :)

Well done.

Revenge leads to the dark side. :)