I'm looking for guidance on painting her hair. The artwork shows it to be a deep red/orange but I can't seem to find a paint/combination that's vibrant enough. Any tips would be appreciated.
Painting Shinigami Ayl's hair
Reaper's Master Series has a good range of reds and oranges.
I use mostly P3 (Privateer Press), and with those, I would try a base of 50/50 Khador Red and Ember Orange. (This may require adjustment- I don't have the paints here in fornt of me to mix and be certain. It may require a slightly larger proportion of the Khador Red.) Add larger proportions of Ember Orange to the base mix for highlights. If you feel the shadows need to go a bit deeper, you might add a small amount of Skorne Red, or even maybe a little Sanguine Base to the base mix, but I would try to keep that to a minimum, as you don't want the red to overtake the orange too much.
From memory I used Vellejo 957 Flat Red, ink washed with Rowney Burnt Umber 223 - 50/50 with water. I then highlighted with Vellejo 817 Scarlet adding a final highlight of an 817/915 Deep Yellow mix. She came out quite nice; if I could work out how to post images here I could show you!
Thanks Bexley / Mike - that's great. I'll probably still make a mess of it though!
I can't help with the inserting pictures bit but maybe someone else can? It would be good to see the end result.