could those of you who already own the packs invest 15 minutes and write down the information of the actions and the legendary gear so it could be discussed here?
I think a lot of people would be grateful
could those of you who already own the packs invest 15 minutes and write down the information of the actions and the legendary gear so it could be discussed here?
I think a lot of people would be grateful
Unless someone lives next to the FFG Game center I think everyone is still waiting for delivery. I ordered right away, and I just got my shipment notification today.
Some bgg users already own them but they didn't answer my request...
Therefore I tried it here again ;P
I do live near FFG and grabbed my copies on Friday. I'm mobile and can't type it out but I do have pics I took, if someone wants to PM me an email or iMessage account I can shoot them over.
Mine came today. Very weird, since I live in a small town that usually takes an extra day or two to deliver to. But I'm not complaining.
It would probably have been better if I just took pics, but meh.
Health: 25, 17, 13
Basic Attack: Dragon Slayer:
* You may engage 1 enemy.
* Attack: (two dice) After this action, if you do not have any armour equipped, recover (wounds) equal to the attack value of all enemies you defeated.
Advanced Attack: Daemon Slayer:
* You may engage 1 enemy.
* Attack: (three dice) During this action, if you target the highest-ranked enemy, apply +1 (success). After this action, if you do not have any armour equipped, recover (wounds) equal to the attack value of all enemies you defeated.
Basic Aid: Stand Aside:
* You may engage 1 enemy.
* Aid: (two dice)
* The target hero may ready 1 action.
* If you engaged an enemy using this action, become empowered.
Advanced Aid: This One's Mine:
* You may engage 1 enemy.
* Aid: (three dice)
* The target hero may ready 1 action.
* If you engaged an enemy using this action, claim 1 (success token) and become empowered.
Basic Explore: Into the Fray: REFRESH ACTION
* You may engage 1 enemy.
* Explore: (one die) During this action, for each (claw icon), apply +1 (success).
* Draw and resolve 1 dungeon card.
* Ready all of your actions.
Advanced Explore: Honorable Death: REFRESH ACTION
* You may engage up to 2 enemies.
* Explore: (two dice) During this action for each (claw icon) or (nemesis icon), apply +1 (success).
* Draw and resolve 1 dungeon card.
* Ready all of your actions.
Basic Rest: Force of Will:
* You may exhaust 1 non-nemesis enemy engaged with you.
* Rest: (two dice)
* If you are engaged with the highest-ranked enemy, you may Attack: (two dice).
Advanced Rest: The Slayer Oath:
* You may exhaust 1 non-nemesis enemy engaged with you.
* Rest: (three dice) During this action, apply +1 (defend) for each enemy engaged with you.
* If you are engaged with the highest-ranked enemy, you may Attack: (three dice).
Legendary Gear:
Me Father's Axe (Weapon - Melee): Before your attack action, if you are engaged with the highest-ranked enemy, you may discard 1 (success token) to apply +2 (success).
Me Father's Other Axe (Weapon - Melee): After your attack action, if you defeated at least 1 enemy, add 1 progress to the location.
Ancestral Charm (Accessory - Charm): During your explore action, you may convert any combination of up to 3 (nemesis icon) or blank results to an equal number of (claw icon).
Witch Hunter coming in a bit!
Witch Hunter
Health: 24, 16, 12
Basic Attack: Pronounce Judgment
* You may engage 1 enemy.
* Ranged Attack: (two dice) During this action, for each other action you have exhausted, you may target 1 additional enemy.
Advanced Attack: Burn, Heretic!
* You may engage 1 enemy.
* Ranged Attack: (three dice) During this action, for each other action you have exhausted, you may target 1 additional enemy. During this action, apply -1 (nemesis).
Basic Aid: Inquisition
* Aid: (two dice)
* The target hero may ready 1 action.
* You and the target hero collectively recover (wounds) equal to the number of other actions you have exhausted.
Advanced Aid: Blood, Faith, and Fire
* Aid: (three dice) During this action, apply -1 to the attack value of enemies engaged with you.
* The target hero may ready 1 action.
* You and the target hero collectively recover (wounds) equal to the number of other actions you have exhausted.
Basic Explore: Demand Confession
* Explore: (two dice)
* Draw and resolve 1 dungeon card.
* For each other action you have exhausted, you may claim 1 (success token).
Advanced Explore: Seeker's Triumph
* Explore: (three dice)
* Draw and resolve 1 dungeon card. If that card has a treasure icon, draw 1 additional gear card.
* For each other action you have exhausted, you may claim 1 (success token).
Basic Rest: Reload: REFRESH ACTION
* You may exhaust 1 non-nemesis enemy engaged with you.
* Rest: (one die) During this action, for each other action you have exhausted, apply +1 (success).
* Ready this action and up to 3 of your other actions.
Advanced Rest: Witchfinder's Respite: REFRESH ACTION
* You may exhaust 1 non-nemesis enemy engaged with you.
* Rest: (two dice) During this action apply -1 (nemesis), and for each other action you have exhausted, apply +1 (success).
* Ready this action and up to 3 of your other actions.
Legendary Gear
Dual Pistols (Weapon - Missile): After your attack action, each enemy that suffered at least 1 (wound) suffers 1 additional (wound).
Holy Bullets (Accessory - Ammunition): During your attack action, you may apply -1 resilience to each enemy targeted by your attack.
Reinforced Coat (Armor - Medium): Apply +3 to your health value. During your activation, this gear card is treated as 1 exhausted action.
The cards look pretty nice, albeit darker inked than the core set cards. But that is standard for print-on-demand products.
They are thicker than the regular cards, too. This doesn't make a difference with player cards and legendary gear cards, but it does give me pause. While the coloration isn't too eye-catching, and could be solved entirely with opaque sleeves, the thickness difference is significant enough to where any other types of cards (enemy, location, gear, equipment) would be easy to notice as being a PoD card.
This isn't an issue in PoD products like Lord of the Rings quests, since the entire encounter deck is either non-PoD or entirely PoD. But in mixed decks it might be a problem. Likely not a huge one though. I honestly don't care much, but thought it was worth mentioning since the difference in thickness is easy to see and feel.
Oh, and one last thing I noticed is the packaging listed the FFG card sleeve types as Green 1 and Yellow 1, instead of the G3 Y2 they should be. One little detail that slipped by QC.
Well the only shuffling that happens with hero cards is the pile of the hero's own legendary fortune so the extra thickness shouldn't be a problem.
Analysis notes:
So the Slayer doesn't have a natural means of targeting multiple enemies, healing without a rest action is going to be very useful though (seems like it would proc for zero off skeletons though, which sucks).
His aid is nice in that it's an easy way to become empowered and getting the option to engage is never a bad thing.
Bonus successes are best when they're on your refresh action. On the other hand explore actions are one of those most likely to overshoot what's useful.
Attacking during non attack actions is pretty amazing, of course it isn't an attack action so many things won't activate off it but this should still be incredible.
Me Father's Axe is another stilleto, that's very good.
Me Father's Other Axe gives progress outside of explore actions which also seems handy.
The Charm makes him an extremely fast explorer (although he'll hurt like hell to do it).
The witch hunter has a lot of similarities with the bright wizard, they both have a multi-target ranged attack, an explore that grants success tokens and a rest with bonus successes.
You'll be able to target multiple enemies with her attack action pretty much as often as you want. It's very valuable with the bright wizard and even more so with her.
Her aid just seems worse than the warrior priest's (of course...) I don't think she'll need to be engaged with that many enemies often enough to get great value out of the second ability.
Success tokens are useful so a ready supply of them is good, being able to burn through the gear deck faster is also good.
Her rest seems great, you should almost always be able to do it with +3 successes and you can leave abilities you're not using alone.
The article talked about the dual pistols, I think it'll be a bonus of at least two damage more often than not so that's pretty epic
The holy bullets do much the same thing except they're more narrow (in so far as they do nothing against enemies with no armour)
An extra target on your attack, an extra wound recovered from your heal and aid and an extra success token on your explore. What's not to like.
Oh, and one last thing I noticed is the packaging listed the FFG card sleeve types as Green 1 and Yellow 1, instead of the G3 Y2 they should be. One little detail that slipped by QC.
Except the sleeve indicators are always about the product that is in *this* package, not the game as a whole.
I get what you're saying about the thickness but like Norgrath said, it's not an issue here at all. Probably just means that well never see new quests that require new monsters come out as PoD, they will be left to standard expansions.
FFG knows about the thickness difference (obviously), and indeed this probably means that we'll never have to shuffle things.
One place where thickness difference matters is with the very first POD products they ever put out, the Death Angel expansions. There, they just said "don't shuffle the POD expansion thingies with the base game ones" even when they could be shuffled. I do shuffle them without any problems though, since I play solo and don't cheat.
For the Mansions of Madness quests, where new cards would have been mixed with old cards, the old cards were reprinted in the POD package instead. Like that, the things to shuffle were exclusively POD.
So I'm sure that we'll be fine either way
First of all, Shadin and John you rock!
So we will probably only see POD heroes and no other cards because they would be part of decks that have to be shuffled?
Do you notice any difference if you sleeve them?
Regarding the heroes:
I can see some great rest actions.
I usually upgrade them at last but the Trollslayer has a really good one!
The explore action of the Witch Hunter and her advanced explore action are impressive like her Legendary Fortune.
It's funny to see that the Trollslayer also can be a beast regarding exploring although he may only use 2 dice at max. Those 2 Legendary Fortunes and enemies which boost his explore.
Trollslayer Berserker Style:
Aid action -> Now empowered
Attack action
Attack action
Rest action -> Attack again
Explore -> Refresh
I'd like to test him vs. Snak in Quest 3...
Let us assume he found the Legendary Axe which boosts his attack vs. the highest ranked enemy.
He has an advanced aid action and attack action.
+1 success -> empowered
+2 success -> tokens (aid grants him 1 token)
+2 success -> legendary fortune
+1 success -> side effect of his advanced attack
+X success -> 3 dice
He would just need some aid from other heroes to get some tokens
Oh, and one last thing I noticed is the packaging listed the FFG card sleeve types as Green 1 and Yellow 1, instead of the G3 Y2 they should be. One little detail that slipped by QC.
Except the sleeve indicators are always about the product that is in *this* package, not the game as a whole.
Oh, duh. Yeah, the numbers are the numbers of those colored packages you need to have enough sleeves, not a size code. I knew that at one point, but it slipped my mind. It seems age is catching up with me.
Analysis notes:
So the Slayer doesn't have a natural means of targeting multiple enemies, healing without a rest action is going to be very useful though (seems like it would proc for zero off skeletons though, which sucks)
Attacking during non attack actions is pretty amazing, of course it isn't an attack action so many things won't activate off it but this should still be incredible.
I asked FFG some questions regarding the Trollslayer:
Regarding his attack action and skeletons:
1) In this case, you would still recover 3 health. Recover health equal to the printed attack value on the skeleton card.
Regarding success tokens on his rest action card and the attack part on his rest action.
He may boost his attack printed on the rest action:
3) The attack printed on the rest action is considered to be an attack action. It does activate gear cards.
My compendium can be found here: https://boardgamegeek.com/article/21647343#21647343