funniest thing is deathwatch?

By Professor Tanhauser, in Deathwatch

Ok owing to my knowledge of physics, weapons and a few other fields I found it highly amusing when reading the deathwatch core book pg. 28 where a marine sergeant informs some scouts that a bolter she'll has a 'depleted deuterium' core.

Knowing what I do I would guess depleted deuterium would by either hydrogen or helium. I assumed the guy who writes the stuff just thought along the lines of depleted uranium but assumed deuterium wad more advanced.

Of course the sarge may have believed it was deleted deuterium, being told that by a tech preist or tech marine who then went to laugh his implants off. Or because keeping 'em ignorant is just imperial SOP.

so what in deathwatchn has amused you

the most?

The sample adventure in the core book included tyranid gaunt organisms - and not in hordes. That's actually less dangerous than Watch Fortress Erioch's target practice in the hunting grounds.

The errata did revise those to (small) hordes. Which gives a ghost of a challenge.

To be fair, the "depleted deuterium" is not on FFG but rather Games Workshop. I think it's been this way since 1st or 2nd edition of the tabletop -- I guess someone just messed up their "technobabble", although in-universe it could be explained away by people in the 41st millennium simply not really knowing much about science anymore. ;)

For the Deathwatch RPG in particular, I think the funniest thing for me is in some of the rules: some of the mechanics are so OTT that occasionally they delve into the physically impossible.The most obvious example being the players somehow being able to use a skilled Squad Mode to equally distribute the damage from a single hit onto the entire team in order to completely negate it, but the Lift & Carry rules can make for interesting situations as well:

Edited by Lynata

I never really put the depleted deuterium bit on anyone and yes I know it came from gw,it was will pretty funny tho, and it was in death watch.

One funny thing happened with a deathwatch game I was in. A noob asked about the vents at the bottom of the spheres on the space marines backpacks. One guy told him they were "Fart vents." and the guy didn't believe it but he explained totally straight faced that due to the extensive bio mods and augmentations marines had a much higher metabolism that normal humans as as a side effect farted more. Also due to their mods sometimes their farts were toxic or corrosive of both, so their armor was designed to trap, compress and store marine farts in special corrosion resistant tanks. Sometimes in zero g maneuvers the stored farts were used as a thruster control system, and in an emergency the fart storage tanks could be emergency vented out thru the vents to produce a semi toxic, semi corrosive cloud around the marine that could choke, stun, stagger or incapacitate some enemies, except orks who have farts even worse than marines.

For a minute we had him believing it... :lol:

At the very end of this killteam's first mission, they were eager to ensure that no Slaugth escaped. So the normally careful librarian decided to push.

Psychic Phenomenon - Perils of the Warp - Something is Coming...

Bear in mind, this is a rank one killteam, who are a bit worse for wear after fighting Slaugth and their creations. Also, v1.1 errata weapons so far fewer ludicrous critical hits.

What happened next gets affectionately referred to as "The bonus round".

The killteam focus on the daemon prince and kill it in a single round.

what product has the slaught in it?

DH Game Master Kit & Ascension.

Also DH: Disciples of the Dark Gods

One guy was looking at some DW related minis and picked up a genestealer. He asked why the genestealers all had their tongues out.

Me. ''That's not it's tongue.''

Guy ''so what's this?'' Sticks fingertip on genestealer Mini's ovipositor.

Me. (Betting guy wouldn't know what an ovipositor was.) ''It's reproductive organ.''

Guy ''Eeewwwww!'' (Rapidly pulls finger away and puts genestealer down.)

An imperial planet was recently hit by advanced tyranid forces and was holding it's own against the incursion. A kill team was sent to aid rthe defenders is preventing the 'nids from establishing a clawhold on the planet.

Upon their arrival, they are informed a unit of imperial guard had just had an encounter with a lictor and there was a survivor who reported the lictor had been killed. Dubious of this a kill team member went to interrogate the survivor. Upon meeting the man the marine demanded a full report.

"Well. sir," the man began "my squad was scouting he edge of the jungle about 20 kliks west of here along the edge of a massive chasm. I was bringing up the rear and covering our flank when the beast exploded from the jungle. Within seconds it had cut down half my squad without even a whisper of sound. Some of the rest fired at it but either missed or their hits had no effect, and a few seconds later my entire squad was cut to pieces."

"Then the monster turned towards me, hissed and leapt. I barely hurled myself out of the may i9n time, it's huge scything blades missed me by a hair's breadth. The beast then slipped and skidded over the edge of the chasm, falling some ten thousand feet to the rocks below and splattering out on them, emperor be praised!"

Sensing the man was speaking the truth, the kill team member nodded his approval and says "You are truly a brave man, guardsman. It is perhaps regrettable you were not inducted into the Adeptus Astartes. Few men have your courage. Why, in your situation most men would have utterly fouled themselves so thoroughly it would have shot down both legs and soiled the dirt at their feet!"

The guardsman hesitates for a moment and says "Uh, sir, when i said the lictor slipped and skidded, what did you think it slipped and skidded on?"