Hey all, looking for a few clarifications from fellow GM's who've worked with the Squad/Squadron rules out of the Age of Rebellion GM's Kit.
I'm working with a moderately high-power party (Average XP is just under 200) and all the swag that goes with that. Last combat was the first time I employed the option to use Minions as a squad to cover a few Nemesis NPCs to keep the two auto-fire abusers from wasting them in the opening initiative pass, and it raised a couple questions about the Minions in squad with the Nemesis.
1) Can the Minions be targeted separately from the Squad Leader? There isn't anything I or the other guy in my group who GMs this system could see one way or the other, leading us to believe yes, they can be targeted independently of their Squad Leader.
2) If targeting the Leader or the Minion group, and if that leader has Adversary or the Sense Power upgraded for defense, does the Minion group squadded up gain the benefits of those improved defenses?
3) Not directly related to squadding up, but if someone is using an ability that increases the difficulty of a check (Auto-Fire, Dual-wield, etc) on a target with Adversary or Sense, which is applied first - the increased difficulty, or the upgrades from Adversary/Sense?
If anyone has anything from the Devs, appreciated. If not, opinions would be welcome. Thanks for any help.