Venator-class Clone Wars Fun

By Muntman, in Star Wars: Armada Painting and Modification

I was inspired by Gottmituns205 Imperial Venator-class Star Destroyer. I decided to take a different path and do mine in Clone Wars livery.

So here I present my recent acquisitions. I have to paint the lights in the midships to make the models pop a bit more. I am trying to make them look as close to the film 'models' as I can.

Special thanks to Mel Miniatures for the models and Gottmituns205 for the inspiration based in his wonderful work.


So got them on the gaming table with a Dodonna list I was trying out...



They look awesome on the table, the red really pops.

smaller pictures please ( sarcasm)

Would it be possible to take a shot with them next to some of the current FFG ships for size comparison? And what material did you end up ordering? Thanks!

Would it be possible to take a shot with them next to some of the current FFG ships for size comparison? And what material did you end up ordering? Thanks!

Will do. I will see about making the pictures larger. I am currently working on repainting the Victory-class Star Destroyers in Clone Wars Colours so that will be a good comparison.

I bought them in Frosted Ultra Detail. It seems to be worth the price and the final products are quite crisp. The only downside is that it takes time to prepare but once they are prepared it is awesome to work with.

I am so sorry I haven't gotten around to responding to this, I'm divorced.


Those Venators look baller man...I am totally in awe by how good they came out. You did a hell of a good job!

Sorry to hear about the divorce mate... more time for painting is a bittersweet silver lining at best.

TBH that's one of the few things I've got.

Been there. It gets better eventually.

i want some now, show us how you made them, also what stats do you use?

Does anyone else want to see a Rebel Venator with x-wings and Y-wings?

I am really hoping to eventually do a couple clone wars Venators with ARC 170s and old Y wings.

Yes! I did my Vic up in Republic colors, but it looks like it has seen a lot, which works with the time period of the game.

They look frikkin' awesome. If I wouldn't spend so much on Imperial and Rebel stuff I would totally want one :)