Today, I got my hands on Shards of Everdark.
As many of you know, I am the originator and maintain the thread Index of Useful Links that can be found at the top of the forum.
Part of this effort includes maintaining several key documents that I created for the benefit of myself as well as the players within whom I play.
When I updated several documents with the Shards of Everdark information, I was shocked with the whole sale changes that were made to the Shade monsters. Not only in what was changed when compared to the Conversion Kit version, but the complete abandonment by FFG of patterns that they have maintained for virtually every other monster in this game.
I realize that some things have changed with many of the Conversion Kit monsters and heroes for balance issues, but these were fairly extreme. And then, they implement some interesting features with the Shade monsters that have never really been done before.
For example, the speed of the monsters from Act I to Act II changes. In addition the attack dice change as well (not just adding dice, but literally changing those used between Act I and Act II).
The Dark Minotaur monsters have the same speed and health for both minion and master monster, with only their defense changing (brown for minion, black for master). This is true for both Act I and Act II monsters.
I must say, I find the special abilities of the Dark Minotaurs to be interesting, and kind of funny.
Anyway, I thought I would just share my surprise. It will be interesting to see how this plays ...
EDIT: Additional observation and a rant.
First, the observation. The minis, especially for the heroes, are effing huge compared to many other heroes. Not necessarily bad, but it is a large difference.
Second, the rant. FFG ... why in g-d's name did you send my Ice Wyrms in like 5 pieces, requiring me to put the **** thing together, tearing my fingers in the process. Are you serious? And I don't even want to hear about how they may break, etc. It wasn't necessary with any of your other large and/or huge monsters, so why now? In addition, I have many, many minis from many games, and have never had to do this before. And I really didn't want to have to use the needle nose pliers that I did to get the various pieces to seat properly. At least I remembered to put tissues between the jaws so as to not leave marks on the mini. FFG, please do NOT do this anymore.
Edited by any2cards