Question about surge abilities

By Supertoe, in Runebound

I never thought about this, but it came up today playing Runebound.

If I have a token that has a 2 surge on it, say the Shards of Fate token, can the surges be split between 1 surge abilites? My answer would be no, but an interesting point was brought up. Why does the Shards of Fate have a double surge when it has two single surge abilities? That's why I've begun to have doubts.

Thanks in advance.

When you spend a token, you spend a token, and you cannot fuel two different abilities at the same time.

Having a higher-on-surges token could be helpful to trigger other effects your character might have; and in the worst scenario, you'll be overpaying for a single-surge ability

When you spend a token, you spend a token, and you cannot fuel two different abilities at the same time.

Having a higher-on-surges token could be helpful to trigger other effects your character might have; and in the worst scenario, you'll be overpaying for a single-surge ability

Okay, that is what I thought, but I wanted to make sure. Thanks Julia!