Hi all! Just wanted to get some opinions from you guys. So I have a player who doesn't agree with me. Shocking....I know. LOL. So I thought I would post my question here to see what you guys thought, and see if I'm just being "that old guy" or if I'm actually running my some what right.
It boils down to this. Talents and the skills checks to use them, specifically Full Throttle.
It says make hard piloting check. Now, I like to thow in setback dice for being in a crowded space lane above Nar Shaddaa, with transports around, and other ships. I also throw in another setback for the sun beaming right into the window, and I'm heavy on the Dark Destiny Pool, so I upgrade once. So the pilot is looking at two black, two purple and a red, and he is a great pilot, so he can get rid of both black, and he is rolling like 3Y 1G vs 2P 1R.
Now, a day later the player has some issues with me modifying rolls that have to deal with talents...I don't know why, but he feels that if using a skill to activate a talent and the book says it is three purple or two purple or whatever, then that is all it should be.
I had never thought of it this way. To me a skill check is a skill is a skill check, and they all can be modified by setback and Destiny, even the ones to to activate Talents. Has anyone else ever not modified the difficulties for skill checks for talents before? Or am I the wierd here on this one and modify them? Thanks.
Full disclaimer, my player isn't being combative or argumentative, and brought this up after the game ended, and has already said that he will gladly play the game as I see fit, but is just trying to understand it better, he just genuinely understands it right now that talent skill checks shouldn't be modified. So we aren't having an argument over this or anything, which is nice!!!