Anyone know?
I do know that they licensed made it in the autumn 1918 and that they also got some German built ones but I havn't found anything exact, Unfortunately are most of my books about planes from 1917 .
Anyone know?
I do know that they licensed made it in the autumn 1918 and that they also got some German built ones but I havn't found anything exact, Unfortunately are most of my books about planes from 1917 .
Brumowski (sp?) got his in May 1918, so there surely must have been at least some others issued to his squadron. Don't know if they went in to general use for Austria then or later, only that the MAG factory were sent 6 DVIIs (without engines) as they were to produce them under licence but AFAIK they never started manufacturing them, at least not until after the war. Found this info with a quick Google, can't verify it's accuracy.
Brumowski (sp?) got his in May 1918, so there surely must have been at least some others issued to his squadron. Don't know if they went in to general use for Austria then or later, only that the MAG factory were sent 6 DVIIs (without engines) as they were to produce them under licence but AFAIK they never started manufacturing them, at least not until after the war. Found this info with a quick Google, can't verify it's accuracy.
Wow, they got them that early? I seen a picture of B. in his from September... I heard that MAG actually made a few under the war and then continued after it, but totally only made 50 and I am not sure if any of them ever reached the front. I also read that they had Astro-Daimler engines but I have no actual date for them either.
But it sounds like I can put one to use already in may then, that is good news
I really need that Windsock datafile about it, have to order it after X-mas.