Although, I have painted my entire Star Wars Imperial Assault set and some extensions, I always held my miniatures with my fingers. What does Sorastro mount his figures on and what does he use to keep them in place (gum)?
Although, I have painted my entire Star Wars Imperial Assault set and some extensions, I always held my miniatures with my fingers. What does Sorastro mount his figures on and what does he use to keep them in place (gum)?
Sorastro mounts them on a plastic bottle, but any glass or small container works. He uses a sticky tack that is reusable. It is is his first video.
I use a champagne cork, Wine bottle lid or even old citadel paint tubs, upside down.
and yeah sticky tac/ blue tac is the best.. for holding down minis in spray priming all the way through to 1 on 1 painting.
I use masking tape and a used k-cup
I use wood blocks and Blu-tac. When priming I Blu-tac my figures on to a strip of wood.
Blu-tac lasts for ages, I just roll it into a ball and stick to the side of my paint box.
Though I'm surprised you painted a truck of figures before thinking about sticking them on something to hold! Once you use a stand and tac you'll never go back!
Baby food jars. They are great for me because they have relatively narrow lids (mounting point) but wide jars. Think of it like holding an upside-down lightbulb. Larger volume to grip in your palm, but not so wide at the top that it impedes the angles you can bring the brush in from the bottom.
Also use sticky-tack.
Edited by tomkat364I levitate them with the force.
I just use a gatorade lid. I've tried using different things like corks and wood but for some reason I just like the wide grip.
Edit: Here is a pic with some Stormies mounted on one, spoilered for size.
One thing I have had trouble with since I started though is back pain, I find myself hunched over way to much. Need to work on that but it is hard when I want my elbows on the table.
Edited by FrogTriggerI use little plastic paint pots that I get at A.C. Moore for about $3.99 for a 3 pack. They're about the size of a baby food container, which I find is easier to hold and manipulate than a paint cork or bottle cap.
I'd link to them, but A.C. Moore's webpage is hot garbage.
I use old Testors bottles because I have no other use for them and they're the right size lol.
I use some old medicine plastic can. I put some stones in it to make it heavier as I find it easier to handle that way and when I set it on the table, it doesn't tip over easily. As it is wider than the figure base, I have to take the figure out sometimes to paint hard to reach details. But other than that, I really like that system.
I use old Testors bottles because I have no other use for them and they're the right size lol.
wow! the old testors glass bottles. brings back the memories of painting ral partha and grenadiers minis in the 80's.
I use a about a two inch block of wood from Michael's and some stick tack from either 3m or scotch. Which it could be the same company now. I get it from Walmart and it's like 1.87 for a pack. Here is a link to a photo with a figure mounted on it.