So I just hit the 6 month session of our campaign, so I figured since it is halfway through the year I would send out a quick survey. I wanted to allow everyone to criticize anything about the campaign anonymously as well as fill out some the answers to some questions from the Same Page tool.
I also had everyone answer a few questions about what kind of items their character wants, the kind of encounters they like, the type of feel for the campaign, and the main goals of their characters. It was able to get them thinking as their characters and think more in depth as to what they want and where they want to go in the coming 6 months.
Now the results:
(I'll try to keep this short...full results HERE .)
Most players said they wanted faster gameplay, some money/relics/gear instead of contacts as mission rewards, and one even mentioned keeping them broke so they are more cognizant of their needs instead of just buying everything.
They liked the feel we had, and wanted more puzzles, mind games, and traps and not all combat.
With the Same Page questions, most people were answered similarly. Most people answered the same 1 or 2 answers to each questions.
I only had one player answer it sarcastically and half-@ss answer the rest...but he has always been that kind of guy (which can be frustrating at times, but rewarding at others)
Next Steps:
I am going to focus on trying to keep the party moving along better so I they can complete more of the story in the same allotted time.
I will start giving out some rewards (gear/money/Jedi relics) as soon as the next session (this was part of my plan now that they are a bit further along in the story line).
Next session will start with a brief discussion about some of the answers that were very different and just point out that different people have different play styles, and try to start a discussion around it.
If you have any tips based on the feedback I received that worked well for you, let me know!