Scheduled to arrive early next month, it says, so next week sometime. Not that it reveals all that much aside from that, unless you're a total beginner, or really like pregenerated characters.
Scheduled to arrive early next month, it says, so next week sometime. Not that it reveals all that much aside from that, unless you're a total beginner, or really like pregenerated characters.
I'm getting 404 on the latest news item. Is it just me?
They have them at Gen Con. I got one. I'm not big on pre-made adventures, so I only looked over it. The rulebook feels thicker on this one. Plenty of NPC love for First Order, the Gangers, and stats for Rathtar, plus some new vehicles. Galaxy map is sexy, and all but confirms that Starkiller Base is Ilum, given their position and lack of Ilum on map. (Spoiler?)
It would be nice if they admitted to that, but seriously no new ships?
I may be getting my books mixed up (also got Forged in Battle), but I do remember seeing stats for a Stormtrooper Transport, and I can only logically point out that anything in AoR would probably not be Episode 7. There are some vehicles, I can't recall how many new ones though.
Edited by ApocalypseZeroAre there any details pertaining to Bormo's species, the Abednedo? We don't have his species' stats anywhere, so are they maybe included in the book?
So apparently it's on shelves (FLGS got their copies in yesterday, and FFG's selling it at GenCon), which now begs the question...
Are we going to get any additional pre-gens as web enhancements? We've gotten two additional PCs for each of the prior Beginner Boxes, so curious to see if the pattern will hold true for this one. And if so, what sort of new PCs will we get? I highly doubt we'll get any 'saber users since those are supposed to be rarer than hen's teeth in the TFA era, but a Force user (or two) wouldn't hurt.
After having this boxed set for a little under a day, I've read it and am anxiously checking and re-checking the product page for the companion adventure promised on the first page of the Adventure book. Need more!
No species specific talents as far as I can see for the Abednedo.
Does have some nice stats for Resistance/First Order (though some are just reworkings of previous statblocks) and sadly no ship stats.
I hope they publish some more online stuff as it would be an interesting follow up to the storyline set just before TFA (maybe they'll wait for Episode 8 though...)
Wait....there was a Stormtrooper Transport I seen somewhere. In the adventure? Or is it in Forged in Battle?
Wait....there was a Stormtrooper Transport I seen somewhere. In the adventure? Or is it in Forged in Battle?
No vehicle stats in the Adventure module, not even for the quadjumper they spend some time in (must look up to see if there are actual stats somewhere) nor the sandskimmer they are attacked by. Nor in the cut down rule book.
Wait....there was a Stormtrooper Transport I seen somewhere. In the adventure? Or is it in Forged in Battle?
On page 22 of the Adventure Book:
Since there are no rules specifically covering vehicles in this product, the GM should trat the sand skimmer as a mobile platform for the leader of the Strus Clan enforcers, Dokar Venas.
Can confirm that they are consistent with their assertion that there are no rules covering vehicles in any way in this product.
Nothing about system strain even during a chase scene between your quadjumper and some TIE/fo's. Nothing about the HT of the Stormtrooper transport you might steal as you escape the Silencer . No specific maneuvers, just some Piloting and Gunnery skill checks.
Any idea when it might show up on Amazon?