hello there. is there any word on when this game comes out?
any word?
The announcement said 3rd quarter of 2016, so that could mean anywhere between first of July and last of September.
However, FFG doesn't always meet their release schedule, so it could be even later than that.
My guess is a small release at GenCon with a larger release about a month later to the general market.
thank you.
The longer it takes, the more I can prepare for when it arrives.
Any word?
Is it out yet?
Is it out yet?
Let's see...we've had all of one business day in the third quarter, so....
Any word?
Watching that Cameo video again decades later gives quite a different subliminal message today that I don't recall receiving back then. Or am I just viewing it under modern eyes instead of 80's eyes where spandex tights and crotch cups weren't as indicative of anything?
I'm going to try to bring back the greeting, "word up" when i go to work tonight.
Edited by Sturn
Any word?
Watching that Cameo video again decades later gives quite a different subliminal message today that I don't recall receiving back then. Or am I just viewing it under modern eyes instead of 80's eyes where spandex tights and crotch cups weren't as indicative of anything?
I'm going to try to bring back the greeting, "word up" when i go to work tonight.
I'm just imagining a straight-laced cop putting on some SWAT armor, he turns to his fellow and nods "Hey Steve, Word up!"
Any word?
Watching that Cameo video again decades later gives quite a different subliminal message today that I don't recall receiving back then. Or am I just viewing it under modern eyes instead of 80's eyes where spandex tights and crotch cups weren't as indicative of anything?
I'm going to try to bring back the greeting, "word up" when i go to work tonight.
I'm just imagining a straight-laced cop putting on some SWAT armor, he turns to his fellow and nods "Hey Steve, Word up!"
Actually they wouldn't be surprised. I try to show up at every call out wearing a new funny cop-related t-shirt such as Cartman's "Respect my authority" and "I see guilty people". I give goofy title pages to my powerpoint briefings. Example: search warrant at a residence with meth, guns, possibility of several exotic animals including a lion (true story), and the "Smiths" criminal family (fake name substituted) I titled, "Lions, Smiths, and Meth, Oh My!" They don't laugh they usually just shake their heads at me.
Edited by SturnExcited for this. So far, I've had to make do with normal dice, and wanted to order a set for my games - when I saw that TFA was due out, however, I changed my order for the boxset. Would be nice to get at least one of the beginner sets, especially when it gets me the dice, too!
Any word?
Goddam, 'Word Up' still sounds fresh today. They don't write 'em like that any more. Has it really been over thirty years???
I know I'm kinda late to the party, and it's crazy-off-topic, but that song has a special place in my RPG history.
Back in 1989, I was 19, and we were playing Shadowrun , the original and best version. The book had a showdown between the PCs and a bunch of gangers in a supermarket, but me being me, I did a few small adventures to 'big up' the gang as a threat and let them develop some personality before their inevitable demise. That all established them as an urban danger, and the PCs jumped at the chance to be the good guys cleaning up the barrens. Their leader was Lucas Katcherman - I still remember his name - and I modelled him on this guy in the red codpiece, Larry Blackmon (seriously, that was his real name; he's sixty now). 'Katcher' was kinda the 80's personified in one man, and the players loved to hate him. He had a cybered girlfriend with 80's Big Hair who was straight out of a Pat Benatar video. I drew on pretty much every archetype I could from the era; Risky Business, Miami Vice, Hill Street Blues, Streets of Fire, Death Wish, The Warriors, Colours, etc. This guy spoke entirely in rhyme, so he was one of the first NPCs where I wrote all his dialogue in advance, as I'd never be able to 'freestyle' at the table. At one point, one of the PCs was captured, and the gangers made him watch a rap performance of theirs by way of punishment. So there was me, 5 feet in heels, skinny nerdy teenage suburban white girl, baseball cap on backwards and mirror-shades, doing this silly dance while lip-synching to 'Word Up' (on a tape deck ...! Kids, you don't know what you missed!). It was... memorable And a lot of fun for my GMing ability trying to portray a scary black gangster guy from some exploitation movie, when I was pretty much the complete opposite of 'street'.
The final battle came in the supermarket, as in the book, and 'Katcher' was the last one to go down. He made it as far as the parking lot, and even covered in soda and cereal, riddled with bullets that hit him in slow-motion, he was still trying to rap to the end. Such a trooper, hardcore street to the last.
It's funny, that group went on to be world-beaters in the early 90's, 'til we swapped to Vampire: Masquerade. They fought dragons, demons, vampires, immortal elves, extra-dimensional invasions of insect creatures... but the one antagonist who stuck in all our minds was the very first one, some no-mark street hood who expired messily in a supermarket car park. Thanks, Larry, you were 'fly'.
Edited by MaeloraNo RPG story in history can beat that. No Sir Bearington , Not Ludi'Drizzt and 50 Copper , not even Old Man Henderson .
Edited by kaosoeI'm just glad we didn't have mobile phones and YouTube back then...
I should also point out that this wasn't some ironic, post-modern retro parody... it was all perfectly serious.
Edited by MaeloraTruly an epic tale of Making Real Life Players do In Game Things!
The only time I ever had an Epic MRLPdIGT was the time that for a throw-away curtain puller encounter, I decided to use real paper Space Bucks I had gotten from a local convention's casino night instead of just writing down numbers on a sheet. The very first transaction, a player buys a blaster rifle, hands over several thousand credits - and I f up giving him back his change, by a factor of about 10.
Later, when the player is counting his money, he realizes that he's been ripped off and comes storming back into the shop fighting mad. The owner had of course taken off for the day with his ill gotten (and GM miscounted) windfall. The player was livid that most of his money was gone - and everyone else at the table was busting a gut laughing at him.
The Force Awakens Beginners Game has been moved from "On The Boat" to "Shipping Now". So very soon, now.
The Force Awakens Beginners Game has been moved from "On The Boat" to "Shipping Now". So very soon, now.
Which would put it's release at or about the time of GenCon.
A UK stockist has 16th August up as it's 'expected release date'.
Dice for Brains has a copy and has posted a few shots of it on reddit.
A preview of it
It shows the map at 15:35 in the video.
It's interesting to see they didn't rename Korriban to Moraband. Does this mean Disney is okay with that planet having both names?
It's interesting to see they didn't rename Korriban to Moraband. Does this mean Disney is okay with that planet having both names?
Inferring from the information from StarWars.com, they decided to use Moraband as the "current day" name for Korriban.
See here . Click on the first image.
Keep in mind that stuff in these games is not subject to the Disney law of canon.
Something important to note, Lwhekk was on the map from EotE. The only things they added are highlighted.
Kind of too bad that Lothal still isn't to be seen anywhere, but, as he pointed out, Arkanis isn't there either.
Super excited for this boxed set!
It's possible that this is a situation similar to the controversy over the Mercator map projection's over-emphasisation of the northern hemisphere - namely, to make the 'important' place names easier to read. Important is of course an idea in the eye of the beholder, and though in the galactic reckoning Arkanis is vastly more important than Tatooine or Geonosis, the PCs are far more likely to want to go there and there is only room in the sector to include them.
This map is not really meant to be an in-universe prop, otherwise I imagine it would look very different, but instead a reference guide for the players to see what they want to see. Why else are Typhon and Byss marked, when in 0 BBY the former was assumed destroyed and the latter theoretically didn't exist?