
By SpartanFury80, in Star Wars: Armada

Are there a lot of guys planning on making Nationals tomorrow? Haven't heard too much buzz about it.

Groovy, thanks!

Honestly, had the thing not started on a Wednesday you might be hearing more excitement. I think that alienated a lot of the people interested in attending and even following the competition action (myself included).

Yup. I could've probably flown out if it'd been on a weekend, or even a Friday. Terrible scheduling decision. :/

Agreed. I had to really do some funky things with my work schedule to be able to attend this.

Honestly, had the thing not started on a Wednesday you might be hearing more excitement. I think that alienated a lot of the people interested in attending and even following the competition action (myself included).

I signed up for GenCon and was absolutely stunned that the first group is playing on a Thursday. Blew my freaking mind.

And respectfully I jus have never once heard of Origins. Maybe it's just west coast bias, but I would have at least hoped to hear it was at a PAX or something. GenCon works because it's da biggest an' da greenest an' da strongest, but Nationals maybe should move to another event that's a bit more visible. Or even better, over a holiday weekend when people already expect 3-4 days off and won't need to play on a Wednesday in the middle of freaking June.

In line for our badges. Everyone meet up in front of Exhibit Hall C after grabbing your badge to discuss breakfast options.

The old thread is dead. This is going to be our Game Day(s) thread now.

What's the badge line looking like?

Quite long, but moving.

Got my badge, waiting at Exhibit hall C

Yeah, starting on a Wednesday is just. . .weird. Especially considering that a lot of schools are still in session, so parents would have a hard time starting their vacations.

Also, where was this posted? Is Nationals open to the public? I didn't see anything on FFG's website about Nationals or signups or anything.

Is anyone on their way to sunny street cafe? I'm right around the corner and wondering if I should walk to the con first or just meet at breakfast.

Sunnyside Cafe - on our way there now. It is near the Arena, short walk from the Con.

Anyone know what is the prizes of the Nationals, I didn't see any news spoiling them.

How many are coming? I can make sure we have a table?

How many are coming? I can make sure we have a table?

Just book the whole cafe out

How many are coming? I can make sure we have a table?

Just book the whole cafe out

Haha I bet they'll be real happy when 6 people show up.

Good luck with this to everyone taking part!

Anyone tweeting or live-blogging the event? Or shall I just keep refreshing this thread for updates?

I have no idea if there is any streaming going on.

Stay tuned to this thread for score updates from Breakfast Squadron.

did they ever list the prizes for nationals?

Bacon had a 9-1 over Sausage! More steaming hot nationals actions after this short commercial break.

did they ever list the prizes for nationals?

They never listed anything about Nationals in an easily-accessible place, including the dates and location.

Registration continues late, as the line outside is 2+ hours long to get your badge.

First round is over, and an error of Stevens brings the pairings back for corrections.